Listen up faggot noobs...

dude just shut up, YOU ARE A NOOB, thats your best bet. thats why i stopped posting in this thread, this thread is aimed to you, me and all other noobs.

This is going to be my last post in this thread.

thank god


lol @ the faggot newbs in this thread trying to out-faggot each others

i do believe i was the chair joust champ. me and sailor jacked each other up on the final joust. craziness



haha, thats fucking great…this man is ruthless, i love it

way to keep living in the past with ur ol pos dsm and why dont you have ur occupation down pool boy?!?!


probably because I haven’t updated my profile since the last time your mother had the cum sandblasted off the inside of her vagina.

he lives

aww, are u embarrased, soo u had to bring my mother into this? ur such a big man sayin comments about others family members. one day i hope to be an amazing person like you that all he has to look forward to is getting on a forum and see what stupid ass stories he can make and who he can make fun of b/c his very own life has become nothing. except that is for being a pool boy.

Haven’t you ever watched porn?
Pool boys get laid all the damn time.

I want to be a pool guy,

what is it with pittspeed and being OG

this thread is still A+ material

gotta get the juices flowin from time to time.