little accident

well to make a long story short one of my friends stopped over today on his quad to say whats up when we were leaving. So were getting in the neon and he’s on his quad getting ready to leave as well and he puts bot of his feet on the back bar to stand the quad up. Next thing I know the quad comes up and he falls off and the quad runs into the back of the neon on its back wheels still sothe front right tire of the quad hits the neon and turns it on its side and then it runs into the camaro. :wtf: So i’m like whatever just pay for it since he’s a friend. It dented in the trunk of the neon in and put two small dents in the quarter panel of thecamaro and broke the right side of the wing off.

haha that sucks. he probly felt like a big ass

i wreaked a truck at work today, backed into a tranny on a stand in the shop and put a dime size hole in the tail light from one of the ears on the tranny.

someone hit the 240 last night… so gay

someone hit the 240 yesterday, kind of pissed but it was an accident


Wow sorry to here that.

that sucks

so he gave u a dollar?



yea someone rubbed the notch on the parkway, asshole passed me on the shoulder next to the median. coulda got real ugly with it being around 60mph.

creased the wheel well along with rubbed the paint

no 98 cents because I knew someone would give me there two cents in here. :jerkit: I’ll post some front views of my car cause your gonna need more than a carb this summer :booty: :burnout:

i aint skeered. :burnout:

wow that sucks.

yeah. that sucks