Little Teaser

This is going to be my new avatar, because 90% of the time I log on to NYSpeed, that’s exactly what I end up doing.

Im gonna go join empire car club, because i guess thats were i belong.


you want some thin mints?

Maybe if some of the mods that were going to happen were listed…
Or Not called it a teaser

no affance dude but if you read they where posted

Nice spelling

whats affance?

ya i own the soon to be sr 240. you guys are so right i have so many plans for my car in the spring and none of them will evern happen :frowning:

Is your IQ a fucking zero??? Learn how to structure a fucking sentence and learn how to spell!!!

you guys do realise that this board has over 2000 members right? i wouldn’t take things so personally when a few people get you into an online pissing contest and then make it out like “the board” hates you, just a thought :wink: plus its getting to be that time of year, when everyones cars are away and they have nothing better to do then to cause drama lol

yes…let the drama begin…MWAAHAHAHAHAAAAHAA

oh man did one of these kids say to try and talk turbo tech with him?I know some turbo guru will pwn you. And to the eclipse kid, sorry i looked at the time from when you took off in your video and looked again when you were at 120 and it was about 33 seconds

yes yes ive met a bunch of ppl on here they where all pretty cool, and it just the fact that you think this would end like a few dick posts, then like something somewhat postive but ppl just waste there time online putting other ppl down insted of maybe working on car to go faster? someone should just delete this disastar thread

OMG, are you kidding me?

A nissan, bahahahaha, nissans fucking blow. I would never own one even if some fag paid me OMG nissans = fag cars. I’ll bet you think the skyline is sweet, you should get a real american car then we’ll see who’s fast. FAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

an RB swapped 240 would be way sweeter than your stupid V6 camaro with your cold air intake. you need to learn what you are talking about newman.

are you kidding me. V6 > stupid skyline moter what is that a fuycking faggot 4 cylinder.

clearly you should do a little research before you post. the RB26 is a straight six. you have no idea what you are talking about obviously.

either way it’s still an import = slow.

coming from a person that has 2 imports in his sig. which he must own. you must me sweeeet. i saw all the pics you posted of it. lol comaro’s are the stereotype white trash car hahahahah. rb26dett would take you stock veeeeee eigggghttt any day

jananese cars FTW!