Live Feed for Canada Vs USA Hockey?

I’m really not that upset lol. But trash talk and ignorant banter are two different things. I guess it’s different when you’re not the one that’s been dealing with it for 10 years or so. Shit gets fucking old.

EDIT - I guess I’m just noticing the difference between Canadians and Americans (that I know) in terms of sportsmanship. A lot of my Canadian friends say how well the Americans played, etc… Not “FUCK USA, BLAH BLAH BLAH”

I’m really not trying to start drama. Just trying to avoid a Canadian hate fest, again.

i would have to say it was a very entertaining game. i just hate all the attention that crosby gets. thats all any announcer besides RJ ever talks about. it gets old. like shit score 100 goals in a season or something ad maybe then i might be impressed but keeping the camera on him 75% of the time after the game ended was a little ridiculous.

if anyone else on team Canada would’ve scored they wouldn’t have had nearly as much attention.

i dont have anything agaisnt canada, they had a well put together team. crosby gets to me though


I’ll most certainly agree that Crosby gets leg humped by the announcers waaaayyy too much.

It’s dumb but don’t worry, Canadian hockey fans hate us too… ever been to a Sabres game against one of their teams?

Haha :bigclap:

Bottom line here: Hockey is undeniably North America’s game right now, and I like that :tup:

I have. And it goes both ways. There are certainly assholes in Canada as well. I’ve been mistreated much more when I showed up wearing a Canadian team jersey. But that goes with the territory.

I have always disliked canada. its nothing new for me even before this hockey game. I could honestly care less about who won the game. It does bother me when foreigners reap all the benefits of our country and the NHL just to rub it into our faces when they go represent another country. This doesnt just apply to canada, it always bothered me everytime hasak would go play for his home country too.


I didnt realize you were canadian paulo. no disrespect.

True story. :tup:

Watching that game was such a conflict of interest for me. I wanted Canada to win, but I really like a lot of the American players. And I’m really not happy that CROSBY was the one to beat MILLER. Ugh. :frowning:

I can see your argument there. It’s kind of funny. But they do just “work” in the USA. A lot of the players go right home during the off-season. And I think they play where they have citizenship no? Like if those players got US citizenship they could play here too?

Idk, but either way, USA has enough advantage. The Olympics is about patriotism and sportsmanship, not where you pay taxes.

Crosby can suck my nut.

Of all the fucking players to score the winning goal, did it honestly have to be the most OVER hyped player?


No, it’s not. lol. I’m not just talking about hockey. That’s what you don’t get. I’m talking about the general attitude towards other countries.



This is why Canadians suck, they just won the gold metal in hockey and still bitch.

hahaha, you’re clueless…

Oh well. Have fun, I’m out. :smiley:

umm it was just a joke…

you should go write a book on team sportsmanship paulo since you know a lot aboot it

how much bitchin’ until this gets moved to the drama forum?