LKSi, again

This is a PM to b-ri

I’m aware of you guys being under CRC’s roof and business.

No Lance never took care of the month before you guys merged over.

Your comment about Lance is the reason I’ve brought this up, as I’ve heard through the grapevine that people really weren’t happy the way Lance was treating them as potential customers as a face of BL Coatings so I wasn’t sure if that was both of you or just him.

Who exactly are you talking about Vlad? Anyone who I’ve wronged want to speak up?

If you want your $50, come and get it

I belive turbo trav and nickalero were displeased cause ya guys didn’t get back to them in some work .

I contacted TurboTravis and he went with another option. I would never do work for NickAlero on anything

first off i do not agree with this thread and i think this could have been delt with under the radar, but regardless it has happened.

nickalero wanted us to powdercoat plastic…can’t help him there. and he has both of our cell phone numbers

and turbo trav contacted krazykid

im thinking it was mclearngp and ive already delt with that

That’s all I know of man lol

Point is Vlad wants to talk (what he thinks is) behind my back about stuff he has no knowledge of just like everyone else does on here. Everyone who has met me knows I’m one of the nicest people around. I’ve gone out of my way more often than not to help people I don’t even know. And more often than not, they turn out to be pieces of garbage (Nick Alero).

You never wronged me dude , but man u gotta relax kid . Is all this really worth it ?

FWIW, as a buisness owner/partner even an employee that like his workplace, issues like this should be kept behind closed doors regardless of who is in the right or wrong, it never looks good for either parties involved.

Yea it’s worth it to me. People should see how the owner of this site is just as slimy as the next guy.

And Shady, don’t worry. I’m not affiliated with any business anymore. CRC is in charge. I just did what I could to help people get going with it.

I thought you and Nick were good friends

Texts to Lance and calls to CRC were not replied to in a timely fashion. Since my name was brought up, that’s my input. Like I said, blessing in disguise, in the downtime between responses, I remembered that I had a more experienced guy to do the work within driving distance that could also ceramic coat the headers.

Fair enough man, just figured it was notable input

I gave him a chance until I found out who he really was. That’s all I will say for now.

Once again, sorry about that Travis. It was out of my hands at that point, but I still responded as soon as I could from my vacation in Myrtle Beach. Glad it worked out for you.

Yea, you’re 100% right. I’m no longer affiliated with anyone in the automotive world, thank god.

Lance what the Fuck is going on ? What’s is nicks deal ?

is he or roids or is he fucking he-she’s?

Cliff Notes are: He ruined our trip to H20i for the most part, lies constantly, and insulted one of my best and only friends when he thought nobody would find out.

I really don’t want to talk about it on here.

And say what you want about Dave, but not many people have helped me out as much as he has. People are quick to judge a book by its cover.

Dave’s cool with me. So is Alex so Im not taking sides in that one.

what nothing to say vlad or nickalero ? come on its the internetz