LKSi, again

Vlad in working…
with nano chips…
planning a Global Thermal Nuclear War…

with Singh

They watched War Games and got all motivated,

Just sayin

Miss you lance. <3

Lance, I still love you.

Lance I can’t apologize enough for the trip. You know that. If you don’t believe what I told you I had going on, which I won’t get into on here, I really have no respect for you. This is especially since even as I leave to move 1,000 miles away in a week, that situation is still ongoing and has no predictable outcome.

If you’re going to call me out for anything other than that, like the procedure I had last week which stemmed from Thanksgiving weekend, then I don’t know what to think, and don’t really care. As for me insulting Kevin, which is what I assume you’re getting at there, it was provoked. People argue, shit gets said. We all know Kevin likes to start shit and he hit the wrong buttons with me that day.

Its a shame that if I drink too much one weekend, there is no support for me based on serious shit I have going on. And still have going on. BUT I put you up in my house multiple times and made you more than welcome around my friends when you were drunk or high on adderol. There were more than one occasion when MY FRIENDS WASTED THEIR TIME tracking your high/drunk ass down. And I WASTED MY TIME AND WENT OUT OF MY WAY TO MAKE SURE YOU WERE SAFE. But I still made you welcome. Shame on me.

I should have taken the first weekend when Kevin pissed on a friends couch as a sign of who YOU and YOUR “friends” really are, and said you’re all unwelcome from this point on.

I made you welcome/went out of my way to be your friend more than once in the time that I’ve known you. Friends for the better, but if you can’t be friends through the worse, especially when I’m stranded 500 miles from home, I don’t want to know you. The kind of friend I am? I’m there through the better or the worse. The kind of friend you are? When the going is good and freeloadable, you’re there, but when it gets rough, you shudder and shy away. You’re not a friend, you’re a leech.

Nickalero out.

agreed on the h20 trip as well as the party I went to with him . Lance you are by far one of the nicest and most honest people out there . Honestly thinking about deleting my account of shift because of all this bullshit with vlad latly .

Just curious, whats so bad about using adderall and how can you get high off of it?

<-Experienced adderall user.

Dude you starting downing beers as fast as you could as soon as we got to the h20i hotel . You threw up everywhere while everyone was dealing with your bullshit . Lance slept in the s8 as well as jiggs in his own audi . You are an inconsiderate motherfucker and a selfish virgin prick . You then lost your keys to your OWN car the following day making us deal with the constant phone calls and bitching about where they were for the entire weekend. And in case you have not gotten the point I DO NOT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU !. You keep texting me and you obviously dont get it . I tried being friends with you cause I felt I had to because of you and my family connection as well as you being a loner in highschool . But you still are the same from highschool if not worse.

More shift soap opera drama! I LOVE this shit!


+rep, shits hilarious

NickAlero, you truly are an idiot. I can’t even comment on the nonsense you just posted because you are so out of whack. You are the one who is desperate for friends, yet STILL an asshole to everyone. I’m talking about my friend Kristin, not Kevin… think about it.

This is my last post on Shift. Peace out ya ****** faggots

There was an hour delay between the time that I started drinking and the time we got there (delay between arrival time and first text message). The keys were lost that night when I was blacked out.

And stop doing me favors then and just say something. You should have just pushed me away the first day I met you if that’s true.


oh sorry, a fucking hour after we drove down . It was 6 pm and by 7 you were drunk . 8 you were throwing up everywhere. Many of the shift members saw your retarded ass with your hands in your pants half naked passed out laying in your throw up . I dont need to back up this statement at all .
The keys were lost cause your retarded ass left them in your pocket and then got retarded drunk . Everyone was searching through there own stuff as well as yours to find them but you reassured everyone they werent in the throw up clothes. ALL god damn fucking weekend we had to hear your bitching about it . I will never again room with you nor be around you at a social event . You just fucking suck as a person…

:rofl :rofl

Because that’s when I got a message that a BOMB dropped in my world. I’m sorry I found out a PARENT got cancer. Sorry that fucked with your world. Because it didn’t fuck with mine or anything.

SORRY YOUR A SELFISH PRICK AND DONT CARE ABOUT EVERYONE ELSES LIVES OR VACCATION TIME. You should of stayed home if you were upset ? You seemed fine after the event … was that even true?/You never told us that till the next day after your shit show . THEN you lost your keys added to the shit show which yet again fucked shit up .


And I told Jess, albeit VERY indirectly that night, who apparently went through the same cancer. I wasn’t asking her about the procedure for my own health, I was asking because it was about to be my reality. By then I was already trashed.

Don’t care and be pissed, I couldn’t care less about you anymore. I was there to talk to when you were going through shit in your life and you know how hard it gets. Glad to know you were willing to return the favor.

My real friends were there for me when I got home.

Wouldnt you go home if you found this out ? I think anyone would be home at who evers side that has cancer. Just doesnt make sense. Nor fix on many other ocassions why you are always being a selfish prick.

Congrats your roomates and sority boys were there. They probably just put up with the shit like many of us do .

If you don’t have your car keys its a little hard to leave isn’t it?!?

At first I wanted to stay but by the time I was up for an hour or so I wanted to leave by noon. Couldn’t do it. Kinda hard to jump ship and take off without a car.

I think it makes you the selfish prick though, right? Since you were more concerned with your vacation than something that could help get someone to their parents? And once Sunday rolled around, who was the first one gone? Me.