LKSi, again

Oh wait thats becuase YOU got piss drunk and were being retarded the night before. Then not looking for YOUR keys in the only clothes you didnt look in fucking idiot .

I’m not going to direct this at anybody, it goes for everyone.

If you are not strong enough to deal with a problem yourself and resort to getting blackout wasted in order to deal with it, you are a very weak person. Projecting your misery upon others does not help deal with it either.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cazwrx187 again.

Will DEF plus rep as soon as I can. So true.

Everyone clearly said they were not going to baby sit him that night and go out still . But in leaving we then find the room painted more in throw up and spread more on peoples sleeping areas.

Even in what happened I agree with this, but to an extent. I’ve only ever had death come from cancer in my family. It makes it hard for me to deal with, its not one of those things I can look at and spin/try to see a different side of. Losing people is something I haven’t learned to cope with myself.

Oh wait nick also you went to the car show like nothing happend let alone roamed around with us for most of the day. Yet your key was “gone” and your mom had cancer… As soon as you got home you found the key and sent me a picture of it . After a new key was made by AAA and after everything that occurred you have the balls to do that.

The key was in the pocket of my swim bag, which I don’t remember opening.

After calling AAA, they said they would send a truck. I wandered around with you guys that whole time. Then AAA called me and said its a dealer only key and they couldn’t make it, and I started freaking out again. Then Lance called the random guy and got a key made (which if you want to call me out for calling 10 numbers, I was asking for an ignition key the whole time. Lance asked for a door key)

I’m not going to drive home at 11 at night, when I’ve been up since 8am and am stressed. Recipe for disaster.

you sir are a recipe for disaster where ever you go .

Waterfest was awesome.

agreed …

Even though you found out your audi was fucked up and needed to be towed.

Yea I still had fun and got shit faced yet nothing major like this happend besides me helping people wrap petes car in cling wrap . And then hopefully making myself puke on his car .

Another thing … Nick Alero … Why when you got the key made did you leave at 1pmish the next day instead of leaving right in the am to see your mom? Just doesnt make sense. Also you stopped at atleast 6 or 7 rest stops along the way . I mean way to fucking take your sweet prick time.


Hold up… he found out his mom has cancer through a text message? Am I reading this right?

I was trying to recover what was left of why I went, so I went to the show with you guys, since I had no clue where it was, then left 15 minutes after we dispersed. I take a lot of bathroom breaks when I drive, you should remember that from the way down.

actually I dont remember that cause it never happend you fucktard.

I tell you what, in the unlikely event that we ever travel together, bring a fucking big Gatorade bottle, antifreeze jug, etc. That shit would NOT fly with me.

I used to drive to MD and back on a regular basis, and I’d do it on one fuel stop. Rarely urinated outside of the car:haha

When you two went down together… did you piss in his mouth?

Kinda typical of my family. Text > call for anything.