LKSi, again

That’s what going to rpi does.

Missed this, thanks Kevin.

It came off/went back just fine. I never put fresh Honda bond on it either. Want pics of it off? It came off. It didn’t help me get leverage on the pan being off so when you started ramming it in there I kept telling you it wouldn’t work. But you’re Jiggs and it worked.

Don’t know how/why.

EDIT: Pics would be useless, you would just say I took pics of the second pan I have.

Nope oil pan would leak like a fuck if you didn’t re seal it. And that Pan is the used one you bought post it up bc it’s from a tl you can tell by the part code good try tho. Just fucking admit it holy shit. I know way more about Hondas then you do dont try to Test me. You have never had the pan off I wish I fucking took a picture fuck

And when you pull the pan off the Honda bond seal rips maybe not in nick alero world but in realty they do

And why would you have the oil pan from your car by your desk when it wa just drained. Even when they drain they still have oil in them unless you flip them over for a lOng while.

Well there’s no point in posting it anyway, since I the pic shows the pan from the drain plug hole angle and nothing else. Part # isn’t etched in there.

So I’m already fucked in Joe Jiggs Honda Dictionary.

I didn’t give a shit about my room in my apartment. You should know that, I had the DSM tranny in my living room probably dripping trans fluid. The pan had sludge in the bottom so I sprayed it out with a hose. If we actually did get the pan off that day you would have seen how mint it was. Whatever Honda Bond was left was what I didn’t clean off the bottom of the block.

The web of lies continues to grow…

I liked you better in the drunk tank Kevin. I’m done in here.

So your saying that your better at working on Hondas then me? bc I couldn’t get the y pipe bolts off. You must use the magic school bus when you work

Yah because your not honest.

I’m crying

Far from it. Far from better at cars than you. If I have the pan off and can’t get a real plug in it and you can manage it with the pan on then you’re the better car person.

Why would take the pan off to put a drain plug in an aluminum pan

All you teenagers need to punch each other in the face and get this shit over with

It wasn’t a part I could find/had. The only drain plugs I found were what autozone/napa/whoever sells.


Nick can’t admit that he’s wrong/lies

So instead of googling the size of the plug you pulled it off? Even the bolts in the Pan were never taken out come On I took a couple off they had that corroded aluminum feel to them that a bolt that has never been taking out feels like

Hey Nick how did the appendix surgery go?

I had my oversized plug so I figured it would be fine.

Anything you torque down has the same feeling though :lol

Jiggs torque>real torque.