LKSi, again

Don’t hate on nick esp cause he had a bad drinking night , like we allllll haven’t had one or a dozen . Laduke really ? Esp after the problematic situation u had not to long ago . Everyone has diff ways of deeling . I can’t beloved his parents told him in text and not in person .

You shut your dirty whore mouth. There is plenty of reason to discuss it now. Its the week between 2 major holidays I need something to keep me busy, no one is buying appliances this week

lockin it up!

what is the deal with these honda lovers all hovering each others rectal area rofl

NickAlero knows how to party youre all just a bunch of sally’s. Dude gets fucked up and pukes and you all act like its the end of the world. Youre all shitty friends from the sound of things.


I could give 2 shits who walks into my shops door and how much or how little work they want me to do for them. Dont care if they are complete assholes to me on shift, in real life, or what ever. The quality of work that leaves my finger tips will be the same as it would be if it were for my fathers car. Lets just get that straight first off. I dont stand for petty childish bullshit pissing matches at all, on here or on my properties. If other people like that sort of thing, keep me, my associates and my business name out of it, out of respect to me. Thank you.

12/2 Travis replied to my thread asking me to check my shops VM. The shops phone rings once in a blue moon, since everyone I deal with either is on here and talks to me, is on facebook or knows my cell and calls me. I failed to make a habit of checking the shops VM, since it has been in existence for all of a month at that time, my mistake.

I PM’d you that day and got a reply from you saying you found someone closer and more convenient. All set.

MclarenGP did not ask me at the time either, Brian contacted him after he replied back asking for a response. I also contacted him that day and found out the items he wanted were also, at the time, too big to fit in the oven. A bicycle frame IRC it was.\

Lastly, NickAlero wanted something powedercoated that AT THE TIME Brian & Lance could not accommodate. Simple as that. if there was some underlying beef between friends… it has nothing to do with me or my shop.

As stated in my “CRC does powdercoating” thread any inquiries should be directed to me, hotwheels, brian or lance. Which I am changing now to say only ME. So this doesnt happen again.

To clear things up across the board on the powdercoating, CRC, B&L… The equipment is owned by Brian and Myself (under my shops name). Lance has his own thing going on personally, and if he comes by to help or hang out he is more than welcome to. Primarily Brian is completing the labor for powder coating work being done under Capital Region Customs.

Any discrepancies in work, estimates, labor, etc kindly direct to me and I will handle it personally.

God damn… the direction of the car scene around here is so sad. Really makes me miss the times a couple years back.

Aside from family matters and money aside, the reason why I have not even TOUCHED my car

Pot meet kettle.

Communities don’t just happen and you’re not entitled to have a good one locally.

There are always people who work on their cars, websites and events to make the strong communities going and members active.

Then there are individuals who work against the hard working people who put their heart and soul into building the community up and making things happen by being negative, pissing in everyones cheerios and being an asshole to new members who want to join the community to insure it’s survival.

Pat yourself on the back, go ahead.

“Some” fucked up people in here, save for KK and Gatville and maybe a few “/thousand/” others. -"-edit due to unsensativity

Sorry to hear about your Mom Nick. It doesnt seem like this should be discussed here at all. Dont know you…you may be an asshole…but this ain’t right.

I would use a fuckin dewalt on someones kneecap if my Mom / child etc was ever brought into a thread. Theres a fuckin line people.

Sorry to see Lance leave Shift the same time.

Ah, this place is entertainment for regular folk… so dont stop the fun Shifters.

…wow, talking outta both sides of my mouth here …

Its funny how everyone is disgruntal over this that and the other things that shouldnt even matter to anyone else but the people involved.


Brett commented on something he didnt even have anything to do with, Vlad said “how would you like it if someone said XXXX about you/yourgf/etc.” got misconstrued as a direct rib jab and shit went nuts. he got banned.

Pete commented on something he didnt even have anything to do with, shit went crazy. he got banned

Murdogg just went crazy and got canned.

lance got banned like 3 or 4 times in the last month over things that he didnt even have anything to do with, but kept jabbing along.

SlowGTO and company went after PJB who made a comment about why should someone feel sorry for someoneelse who essentially killed themselves through their own stupidity. Shit got nuts, chests puffed and it went nowhere but down hill.

People need to just keep to themselves, and stop jabbing ribs then justifying it as “Sticking up for friends”. Give it a fucking rest. If you all have nothing better to do with your time in the winter months / off season… come sand some bondo for me at my shop! ill pay you in beer and discounted labor rates! LOL

+rep KK

Bolded above is what what amazes me more then anything. Seems like for all the supposed grown men on this site people can’t seem to handle things themselves and like to get everybody else and their mother involved in it.

The list of scumbags on this site grows by the day


I am not nearly on here enough. However, I gotta agree with KK. Enough with the bullshit(family member jabs and shit). But at the same time, Vlad, the site went to shit a LONG time ago when there was no rules and anyone said/did whatever the hell they wanted. Good luck reeling that in. As for the rest of you, THANKS for making my work day a lot less boring!!! And continue on with the soap opera bs and calling each other girls…

crc ftw! I would recommend them to anyone in the area for sure, reguardless of what anyone says on any website. work was top notch, pricing was awesome, and the turn around was quick enough for me to be happy.

Wow I didn’t make the list ???

I think you and I are the “few others”…

^ pretty sure you are on a different list