

Who’s ready for the new season. Starts on 9/7. I just finished watching the dvd sets to make sure I’m caught up.

Although running opposite Sunday night football instead of giving something to watch other than the typical summer dregs is super gay. Thank god for DVR.

Can’t wait!!!

Titsy fly!

ugh… its so close…

thank GAWD!!!

Mean was when i made Jess Mancini ride her bike home after i ass fucked her.

/\ LOL! I wish they would make it an hour long show.

People, staff meeting has been canceled. You all have one goal today: to get Vincent Chase’s brother, Johnny Chase, a job. Any job! I don’t care if it’s a porn shoot in which he is being gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes, if there are cameras rolling, everybody wins. 10 grand for anyone that can deliver this to me, today.

Cant f’in wait.

Cant wait. My girlfriend has been talking about this non stop like it was our fucking anniversary or something. Hope it picks up a bit more than last season.

Predictions? The movie bombed, Vince is broke, Drama is still awesome.


> *

i need the “get the fuck out” whiteboard pic


Full version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki4GxDgZo1U&feature=related

+karma when i can give. for the mccain pic too.