Miami Vice Feature Film

[I believe this is within the forum guidelines]
Gonna have to dig up a leisure suit for the premiere…

In post production now, should be in theatres in spring time.

Dude thats such a fucking good show, $ says the movie will blow though, it wont have that 80s feel i bet…

yah seen the preview on tv

WTF? Is every 70s and 80s show becoming a movie? How lame. I guess I’ll get to look forward to some new Max Headroom movie, at least, or maybe an Airwolf movie.


Do they really need to ruin every single television series made… :tdown:

:tup: For season one being on DVD

im with pumice and fuzzy…wahts with them turning all the old 80’s shows into gay movies? im waiting for nightrider and shit to come out, has the industry run out of ideas for movies? all they have been doing is shows-madeinto-movies and re-makes-of-old-crappilymade-movies. WTF is up with it

seen the preview…meh, i may see it.

WTF, I made a version for my spanish class last semester. Fuggin biters. Heres my previews:




fucking lol

But this one looks like they have a real ferrari!



From the trailer I saw I think it might be pretty good. Looks like it’s set in modern times. And unlike Starsky and Hutch, the main characters are also in modern times, not the only ones stuck in the the time period of the show.

michael mann = :tup:

i got the first season on dvd the day it came out lol, and have seen everyepisode when it used to be on tv a couple years back on TNT…miami vice might be the best show ever…ok but yea it’ll be worth seeing

Thats what was lame bout Starsky and hutch, they should have made it set in the 70’s, If vice is set in the 80’s itll be gay e gay. The clothes the cars etc thats what made MiamiVice so memorable.

:tup: new movie will see

rofl @ Scott’s Buffalo Vice

Nightrider should be comnig out soon! Maybe they can use a real actor instead of me Hasselhoff. Fucking slut. On that note, my friends and I have prepared a parody of night rider and I will be posting it up sometime this week. Its pretty shitty, but pretty funny all at once.

Colin Ferrel as Crocket = :tdown: