Miami Vice....

Worst movie ever. As bad as the series after season 2. 5 seconds of good film total in the whole movie. Even the sex scenes get absolutely tiresome. Really, really bad. That is all…

i had a feeling it was gonna be bad

I saw it at the drive in…I FELL ASLEEP!!

fuck that!!! that movie was sweet. F430 > *

Agreed on the F430. That’s 4 of the 5 cool seconds. The other is the skin head in the trailer taking a round.

However, you can buy a CD of Ferrari engines running at full tilt. Much better value than this trash…

I wanted to like this movie. I was a fan back in the day. It’s hard to watch these days when I catch a rerun and the movie is too…so it’s pretty true to it’s roots in that way…

lol…i def see your point. i mean, ill admit it wasnt the best movie ever but it entertained me, so ill give it its props

it sucked, i said it too.

nachio libre sucked

omen sucked

cars was good

talladega nights was ok

little big man sucked, left early

click was ok

da vinci code was ok

u me and dupree sucked

gotta think of what other movies i watched at the drive in this summer.

Colin Farrell should have been enough of a hint to not go see this movie.

Truth. Though I can only say that after having seen the movie. I really don’t recall anything else he’s been in though I know he’s a name of some sort. For future reference, I"m all over it.

My wife reads an entertainment magazine that did a big write up on the movie. Apparently he and Li (another gripe-what happened to hot lookin’ lead female roles? There’s not enough blow in the world to make her look good ) went to South America after the filming wrapped, banged for a week then he came home to rehab. Heh, at least he had a good time on set…

yep it was the worst movie

Im goin to see Pulse this friday …cant be much worse …I also saw Over the hedge this summer and I liked it …I was gonna see Miami Vice but this has opened my eyes to the suckness

x2. Although the chinese chick Ferrell was banging was smokin hot!

went and saw the new Pirates movie yesterday… :zzz:

thank goodness I didnt have to watch most of it. :naughty:

:puke: :puke: :puke:

What? No asian persuasion??

pic of her?

Just not leading lady material…

i’d cum in her ear, but that’s about it.

better body shot

Sorry man, I’m not wasting anymore time with her. T’aint worthy…