Loan percentage


dude just look on ebay for a 2.4 stratus motor, u will have way less problems. and then mod it yourself. u can even run id say 6psi safe with it without problems.

No job: Check.
No money: Check.
No bank account: Check.
No credit: Check.
Not enough financial sense to use a loan calculator: Check.
Modified motor to put in the shittiest car in Chrysler’s shitty lineup of cars: Nope

Of course the answer it take a loan and get a pre-modded motor!

They don’t make a :picard: big enough for this thread. See you in the “fixing my credit” thread in 6 months to a year.

doubtful as mimi from the drew carey show is not going to get a loan or credit car near 500 dollars


Starting it this week,they just ask if you have a job and I put it down.

it was 2700,minus the damages its still worth 1000 lol.

I have a job.
If people had money they wouldn’t need loans.
I can’t drive to a bank and online requires bill proof and sending something in,again no car to mail it and would take too long anyways.
No credits better then bad credit.
Sorry not everyone one of us is old enough to experience financial things,you don’t get flamed for asking questions on here about things you don’t know even though you ask find out then do it.

And the loan is already approved so theres no need to say anything about my job/credit/money.And I can pay it back in a month so theres my credit.

I picked my car because I liked the way it looked,it has always(b4 modding)been more reliable then any other cheaper used car I’ve been around so in my OPINION its a decent car.

I’d be paying as much with shipping from ebay as the guys motor cost,like I said I can trust his engine,and others can vouch for that.I planned on modding it myself it would be alot more fun but too expensive at this point.
I won’t be running turbo on it right away.

I found my answer,thanks Fry.

ok this thread is staying up wtf

who deleted my serious thread of asking how to invest my money, wtf is everybodies problem, 500 bux? jesus i make that in like 3 days doing off the book oil changes at valvofuckup

lol i hear ya on the money i used to make it like nothing but I’m just in a bind so I need to get the loan.

Ya I agree once someone see’s that I said I got my answer they should delete it,not saying I don’t reply to people but for everyones sake.