Local Evo Crash

:tup: to doing over 110 in merging traffic.
There is so much more I could say but why bother?
Many of you screwheads have crashed or will crash soon enough.

Sooo how old is this douche nozzle?

Ouch. Yeah that looks familiar. When on the brakes the rear of these and other DSMs will progressively slide until the point of no return. Then it snaps around.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:5,topic:34226"”]

I’m simply amazed that this doesn’t happen more often.


Agreed. It’s a whole lot of car and with the active diff setup inexperienced drivers can get into a lot of trouble. Driven properly there’s a ton of margin for error, but driven like their mom’s FWD Taurus this is what happens.

Stupid move, hope the driver learned the lesson. Too often they repeat these mistakes.


good luck trying to get the insurance money for reckless driving, your friends probably screwed.



If the guy who drove his blazer out on the lake in Rochester and fell through the ice got an insurance check I can pretty much guarantee the evo will be covered.

That’s why you have insurance… for when you fuck up.


if a subaru rolled, the roof would not look like that


yeah the WINGS are much beefier.


Tell the Asshat, Thanks, for increasing all of our insurance premiums.






If the guy who drove his blazer out on the lake in Rochester and fell through the ice got an insurance check I can pretty much guarantee the evo will be covered.

That’s why you have insurance… for when you fuck up.


Yea what does the insurance agent know :gotme:


yeah the WINGS are much beefier.



hear that chino and rob? I care about my backseat passengers unlike you selfish ricer fucks.

The AWD crutch didn’t save them :frowning:



hear that chino and rob? I care about my backseat passengers unlike you selfish ricer fucks.


:touchy: At least we are skilled with the chopsticks you cracker.

Oh big deal, so mommy and daddy will just have to shell out some more to make jr. happy again. Too bad his tainted dumbass was not removed from the gene pool.


The AWD crutch didn’t save them :frowning:


you have to learn how to use it first

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:53,topic:34226"”]

Oh big deal, so mommy and daddy will just have to shell out some more to make jr. happy again. Too bad his tainted dumbass was not removed from the gene pool.


How do you know? Not everyone has shitty jobs.


:touchy: At least we are skilled with the chopsticks you cracker.


lol owned


How do you know? Not everyone has shitty jobs.


Srsly. It’s a $30-35k car, not a fucking jetliner. It doesn’t take THAT much money to own one. :cjerk:

I hope the showing off was worth it.

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:53,topic:34226"”]

Oh big deal, so mommy and daddy will just have to shell out some more to make jr. happy again. Too bad his tainted dumbass was not removed from the gene pool.


Ugh… If you devote a year of your life to saving up for a evo, you can get one prety easily…


Ugh… If you devote a year of your life to saving up for a evo, you can get one prety easily…


Not if you spend all your time bitching about how everyone else is handed things in life. :wiggle: