Local Evo Crash


Ugh… If you devote a year of your life to saving up for a evo,


i hope that you’re not serious.

Is that part of the spolier in the puddle? He is very lucky they didn’t take anyone else out with them.

Edit: Nope…It’s the drivers side skirt.



If the guy who drove his blazer out on the lake in Rochester and fell through the ice got an insurance check I can pretty much guarantee the evo will be covered.

That’s why you have insurance… for when you fuck up.


haha im good buddies with him^^

im blown away at how stupid some people are. he more than likely didnt deserve this car. i hope he buys a hybrid next.

just like your buddy more than likely deserved his blazer right?

Wonder if this is the silver one from out in the lockport area.

The owner is 21.

The roof is aluminum on the MR to keep the center of gravity low and lower overall weight. I’ve always wondered if that has a negative affect on structural strength.

No thats not the wing in the water. Thats the driver side, side skirt. They stuffed the wing in the backseat.

Its amazing how much mud is in the car as it prob spent 0.1 secs in the water and it was only 6" deep.

The roof has absolutely no bearing in this case. The “roof” as you are thinking is just a skin, carbon, aluminum, steel, whatever it makes about 1.5% difference. The roof bracing (between the headliner and the skin) is what you should be looking at.

Oh yeah

What a fucking idiot.


wish this car had a 35r on it, cuz id be all over it

buy mine

Yeah, I can’t afford a mighty $35K Evo MR, LOL.

that sucks…

and the secret to low insurance on an evo is to own a $500 car and list it as your primary. also is nice to have for all those times the car is down.

pm me about parts please… I want the turbo, wheels, seats, headlights, maf and cat.

what a fucking idiot…

and remind me NEVER to sit in the back of Aaron’s again.

what an asshat…no sympathy…none at all…

and if i were the passenger, and he took my life into his own hands like that, and was so irresponsible, i’d tell the fucker i want a cut of the insurance money unless he wants them to find out exactly why and how he went off the road


that sucks…

and the secret to low insurance on an evo is to own a $500 car and list it as your primary. also is nice to have for all those times the car is down.


+1. Thats what I do :slight_smile:

sooo many holier-than-though mother fuckers in this thread, guaranteed you have been seen doing things equally as stupid or worse.


+1. Thats what I do


yea except it’s not a DSM so we only need it for the insurance, not for when the cars down :slight_smile:


sooo many holier-than-though mother fuckers in this thread, guaranteed you have been seen doing things equally as stupid or worse.




just like your buddy more than likely deserved his blazer right?


anyone who drives a 2 ton truck onto irondequoit bay without good reason, has some issues; but thats neither here nor there. im not taking sides i was merely expressing my opinion.

it doesnt matter what kind of car you drive, if you try and merge into traffic at 110, you dont deserve said vehicle. :ham:


sooo many holier-than-though mother fuckers in this thread, guaranteed you have been seen doing things equally as stupid or worse.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself, the hypocrisy runs strong.

I guarantee a majority of you have gone at least 100mph on a public road sometime in your driving careers. Plus I don’t see how anyone who roll races on public roads can say anything about this accident, seeing how roll racing typically reaches speeds of 120-140mph, sometimes with a passenger videotaping etc.

The kid is just damn lucky he didn’t kill anyone else or his passenger though, so it’s not as bad as it could have been at least.