Local Evo Crash


yea except it’s not a DSM so we only need it for the insurance, not for when the cars down :slight_smile:




at 110, you dont deserve said vehicle. :ham:


Try driving in Dallas Texas…

Average speed on some highways is 90…try merging :wink:


Couldn’t have said it any better myself, the hypocrisy runs strong.

I guarantee a majority of you have gone at least 100mph on a public road sometime in your driving careers. Plus I don’t see how anyone who roll races on public roads can say anything about this accident, seeing how roll racing typically reaches speeds of 120-140mph, sometimes with a passenger videotaping etc.

The kid is just damn lucky he didn’t kill anyone else or his passenger though, so it’s not as bad as it could have been at least.


I’m going to include myself, I have CERTAINLY driven over 110 MPH on a thruway. Anyone who is saying they have not on here likely has a car that wont make it that fast… this is nySPEED, you’re not here because you like to buy a car and drive it at 55 mph max. Even Rx3 can’t lie and say his bike has never breached the speedlimit on a thruway and he is the most anti-street racer person i’ve met!


Couldn’t have said it any better myself, the hypocrisy runs strong.

I guarantee a majority of you have gone at least 100mph on a public road sometime in your driving careers. Plus I don’t see how anyone who roll races on public roads can say anything about this accident, seeing how roll racing typically reaches speeds of 120-140mph, sometimes with a passenger videotaping etc.

The kid is just damn lucky he didn’t kill anyone else or his passenger though, so it’s not as bad as it could have been at least.


Yes, but most don’t reach those speeds an onramp with other cars “next” to them, although I don’t know how another car was next to the kid if he was going over a hundred.

If you ask me he was probably gonna slam into the back of some car going half his speed, and got hard on the brakes, slid to avoid the car. Kind of thoughtful imo.

I know not everyone on this board is an angel, but the details of this accident are far from what most would be doing, unless they knew what they were doing.


NOOOO!!! wich one? Wasnt it jermey?

he cant be wrong… hes SIQQQ, or the older guy? meh… he might be wrong…


look up the vid EVO vs STI and the british show … the name eludes me right now, but the older guy who is always driving them is the one who said it

he used his pinky finger at like 60 to try to make the car flip on tarmac and it just kept gripping so he lied. REFUND!


what a fucking idiot…

and remind me NEVER to sit in the back of Aaron’s again.


I’m kinda glad work blocks the pictures…I don’t think I want to see them

How could he get up to 110 on the on-ramp? He’d need at least a near quarter mile to do so. If he was in an STi, he would have needed a full mile to get that speed!


and remind me NEVER to sit in the back of Aaron’s again.


if he’d hit a tree with the front passenger’s door would you say you’d never want to ride shotgun again?

Im with chino here

Everyone does or has driven wrecklessly at least a few times on here. There are thousands of scenarios and situations that could have caused this crash. Clearly he was doing something dangerous but everyone here does, its just not a huge deal untill someone wipes. Chances are that he was inexperienced but who knows if that was the pure reason for the crash.

Mistakes happen, you learn from them, its possible that the guy is a pure shitty asshat but im open for any excuse that this could have happened and can happen to anyone.

I can email the pictures to you CopperLegend.

I believe the British show is Top Gear.

The onramp is a long downhill on-ramp. I dont think getting up to 100mph would be any trouble at all with 300hp.

Let me try and clarify the scnerio the way I understand it. Where the onramp first connects to the highway, there was a car right there at the beginning in the right lane. Im guessing its a little bit ahead of him as his closing speed is much higher. From what I was told there was no other cars ahead of this car or ahead of him on the onramp. The merge lane and highway is curved on that section which probably was a factor. I visited the crash scene and there is at least another 1/10 of a mile, maybe 1/8th of a mile of open merge lane ahead of where he attempted to merge.

So that begs the question why did he decide he needed to try and merge behind that car with the closing speed was so high when he had other options? I dont know. I wasnt there. So not only was that a poor driving decision, then his driving skill was inexperienced as he jumped on brakes hard, causing the loss of control. Then staying on the brakes hard which is no way to correct severe oversteer.

There is a difference between driving faster then the limit and doing 110+ and loosing it. Yeah, I’ve had my car up to 150+ on a highway, but it was about 8am on a Sunday morning, no other traffic to speak of, and a LONG straight with nothing obstructing my view.

^^ Well aren’t you just the perfect little law-breaker.

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:91,topic:34226"”]

There is a difference between driving faster then the limit and doing 110+ and loosing it. Yeah, I’ve had my car up to 150+ on a highway, but it was about 8am on a Sunday morning, no other traffic to speak of, and a LONG straight with nothing obstructing my view.


[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:92,topic:34226"”]

^^ Well aren’t you just the perfect little law-breaker.


fucking word

Did anyone mention running the mofucking loop yet? I think so

^ see McDouchebags post #5


i prefer ass mcpass

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:91,topic:34226"”]

There is a difference between driving faster then the limit and doing 110+ and loosing it. Yeah, I’ve had my car up to 150+ on a highway, but it was about 8am on a Sunday morning, no other traffic to speak of, and a LONG straight with nothing obstructing my view.


are you fucking kidding me, I couldn’t possibly make this post any more hypocritical if i tried.

I don’t need to explain or restate what I have already said.

Quattro Krant, you define HOLIER-THAN-THOUGH.

man I even feel like rick, so much I am going to go italics on your ass.


Quattro Krant, you define HOLIER-THAN-THOUGH.



If I owned a 300 hp car and I was younger than 19, It would have ended up the same way.

hey, i actually need a passenger side headlight if the brackets on that are still intact and if its HID

lmk lol




did I miss something? feel free :meh2:

[quote=“Toda Party,post:99,topic:34226"”]

hey, i actually need a passenger side headlight if the brackets on that are still intact and if its HID

lmk lol


You have an evo now? I thought you would implode if you drove anything but a honda :smiley: