I also know a great local guy with a FFL who only charges ~$25 per gun. I’ve had great experience buying off gun broker and the like.
If you want a shot gun pre-order this!
What type of gun are you really looking for? I used to love the little gun store in Eden but I think they closed. I don’t think there are many good places local in Buffalo anymore.
Just take the damn class and submit the form already. With as long as I’ve been hearing this you’d have your damn permit by now if you would have done it when you first started talking about it.
LOL, I’d never step foot in Gun Center for that reason. I use Gander Mountain and Niagara Gun Range, they keep their right-wing leanings to themselves better.
Cmon now. Drop the $50 and 5 hours. You aren’t that busy are you?
Just don’t sleep on the application for a year like I have been. I’ve been busy as well apparently. LOL
Hope the reference of thugs shooting all akimbo and shit doesn’t apply to you Joe. J/K
On the bright side I can buy many long arms and shotty’s with no issue or wait.
And to be honest…I’m not a HUGE handgun enthusiast. I love me some rifles. The handgun license thing for me is more so I have it…just in case.