Local Putt putt??

Is there any place around for Putt putt golf?? The nearest place I knew of was the gravel pit at the end of batavia but that has been closed.


Or closer to Buff - http://maps.google.com/maps?pws=0&q=miniature%20golf%20near%20buffalo,%20ny&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl

Or closer to Roch - http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=miniature+golf+near+rochester,+ny&fb=1&gl=us&hq=miniature+golf&hnear=rochester,+ny&view=text&ei=_SPoS8-yN4GglAfFztTTAw&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CB4QtQMwAA

donde estas tu?

there is the JNC family fun on Transit… its bewteen the 400 and the old custom workz building, do not to hide a way putt putt so ghetto. and the place next to Zebbs on southwestern is still closed for some reason, lots of construction going on there

IDK if it’s still there but thers a putt putt on sheridan kinda near colvin.

it is, Adventure landing. Also in the Paddock golf dome they have a pretty good course. But we have no idea where the hell you are other than in the middle of nowhere based on your posts.

Has anyone been to adventure landing lately? I went a few years ago and the courses were falling apart… I can only imagine how bad they look now if they haven’t done any repairs.

Paddock Golf Dome is pretty decent…

The closest town to me would be Batavia or Clarence. I guess I could open up the phone book and see whats in there also.

Harris Hill golf coarse has a small one.

There’s one on Broadway between Dick Rd and Borden.

theres one on genesee right before harris hill in front of an ice cream place.

see above…it’s all owned by the same people.

wrd. didnt know it was called harris hill golf course haha

the mini coarse might be called something different…not sure…either way it’s a bit challenging. I used to go there all the time when my fiancees mother worked there.

The Golf Dome on Wehrle has a nice putt putt.