Local S4


Looks hot too bad its automatic, looking for something like this since i got rear ended on my 600rr

He is on here… cause he was definitely in the Paulo Micah photoshoot


not a bad price considering all the money put into this car

Justins ride?

I raced this with my 98 cobra before it had the k04’s in it, two summers ago. From a roll it was SUPER close, very nice car.

Hmmm…wouldnt be a bad winter car

This car is very nice.Iv ridin in it several times and its pretty quick.He takes care of it.Def. a very clean car.


ugh I love it. GLWS

Tis a nice ride…Wanna trade

Bump for clean, fast, great for off ramps ,(original)audi pimpin mobile(minus one shifty ass cel) GLWS famfam

Well worth it… such a clean car :tup: whats up next on the list of things to do? bike? :wink:

lol if it were up to you, EVERYBODY would have a bike…

obviously. BUTTTT mr snky and i talked about if hed ever buy a bike… and i was just wondering if the house was all set and now he wanted one.

A bike is likely, but not til next summer or the following summer. I still am not 100% sure I trust myself with one yet.

I’ll be interested in looking at this car around the end of the month if it doesn’t sell. GLWS.

It already has a bid, and they guy seems pretty serious about it.

wow GLWS I love that car.

Ugh, if I could, I would. That car is sweet. Not a fan of the auto, but still. It’s pretty damn fast. Not to mention, balllllaaaaaa.