Local spoiled chick to be on tv

I sense an overdose in her future.

I swear to God that vid creeped me out. Shades of Jon Benet Ramsey.

she sounds like a moron. ugh. now i have a headache from that…

i really would like to go apply for a job at their super successful tinting business just to kick him in the balls.

They just had a piece on Channel 7 news about how the family is so upset that people on the intarwebs are saying mean things about them… boohoo :frowning:

shes f***** hot

Wow you really are a fucking loser. Go jump off a fucking bridge

Meh… I’m not saying I would kick her out of bed, but (oh nevermind, she’s 16)


lol i just watched the vid what a bag of shit, she gets what she wants haha right cause she will get far in life when mommy and daddy get run off a road

what was that, jealousy? i couldn’t hear you.
Not one of you would turn down that shit if it had been offered to you in your childhood.

honestly id love it but Id also do shit for myself because my parents know how to raise a child perhaps anyone that spoils a child to where they learn no lessons in life is a failure in my opinion and shouldn’t pop out kids

i tried but my mom did my geography homework my whole life. i cant even find my way out the driveway

did she do your english too joe? lol:D

only half. i reads good but my sentances and writing aint good huh huh huh

someone cross posted a vid of this on useless junk, i remembered this thread.
She is sad.

what a pathetic excuse for people. Lets hope they dont breed

I’m with you, man. There really are some idiots in this thread…:smash2:

I disagree. They make for great entertainment, plus they make you feel better about yourself (in comparison to them). LOL


:lol: at them now crying about the bad publicity they got from the show.

YOU WENT ON WIFE SWAP with your beauty pagent kid that you give a present to every day of the year. WTF did you think was going to happen?

+1 Shit i would still take it.