Lohan Crashes her SL65


Back to lohan…

I’m going to watch Parent Trap :rolljerk:

lol shes on the news right now. stoopid bish


courtesy of AOL

wtf is that stick doing driving something with 738 lb/ft.? :baby:

I wonder if she has a bruised nose.

Good work!

Goddamn thats such a hot car. I would kill to have one and she has already wrecked 2.

Car is fawkn pimp! I wish my name was Richy Rich

who would drive in a ka wit her… shes nuts.

believe me, it is annoying

right, right.

It’s a good thing there are girls like her driving around in supercharged V12’s while joe schmo me drives a turbo 4.

That guy was for real…

he was all like
“I’d hit it”
and his buddy was like
“no you won’t”

then BAM

haha things change a little when you are making millions.

still annoying, but not a bad tradeoff at all to be that filthy rich.