lol escort... but wow..

over 400whp :ugh: :eek4dance

mazda motor


Impressive if nothing else, its neat when someone does something with a car that hasn’t been done a million times over ie ls1 or honda

page 3 says it’s rwd now


yeah it ran at moroso today. there are pics of it launching on

its still an escort :greddy:

but beats your car :kekegay:

all you do is search car domain for gay shiot 24/7 no wonder pewterr doesnt love you anymore…

its not stock like mine either

My friend had one in his baby blue one… he sold it on ebay for 7 grand lol… had like 380hp. He said he put like 20k into… that mazda swap is pretty common.

i’m pretty sure I remember seeing that car run back in the Keystone era… It was pretty fast.

mazda = ford anyhow so it’s all good.

it came with the mada motor in it from the factory. gt model only