LoL Funny Eghey email

This is an email I received from someone else bidding on some Guess watch or something. Funny as hell. Didn’t know eghey users had large internet cocks also!

Question from benitez0481 stop eating shit, u cant outbid me stupid ass. give it up loser
Respond to this question in My Messages. Thank you for using eBay

time to drive the price way the fuck up there …lol

gimme the link, ill drive it through the roof …

That’s what I was thinking…now I definitely will win it. I was thinking of maybe pretending to be some grandmother or something instead and berating him on his language. Any ideas of a good response??

just tell him your more then happy to spend retail on it, and if he wants to try to oubid you to go for it

that’s no fun…but I did outbid him again all the same.

A follow up if anyone cares…I was determined to win that damn watch and I did at the last minute. This is the message I sent him afterwards:

Hello there you stupid fuckhole!!! Guess who won that Guess watch?? Me!!! haha loser. Get a real job you crack selling lame-ass! By the way…giants suck and so does armando benitez.

I wasn’t aware people wore Guess clothing anyway.

I went into the store last year and saw taper legged pants. That was pretty much over the 80s limit for me.

Guess watches are pimp

It was a watch. I buy Guess clothing very rarely but the watches are very pimp. My favorite actually, besides Movado and others like that of course. This was a Guess Collection watch. :pimp:

I’ve been fancying Skagen watches lately.


You are such as ass Jeff…

maybe that is an alternate account from the seller and he is egging you on to pay more. HAHA. YOU GOT OWNED?

EDIT: i am totally doing this next time i sell something.

hahaha i was thinking the same thing newman. its definitly possible haha

^ I did consider that…and yes, it is a VERY good idea. I was gonna win it no matter what.

Wow the sexual tension is getting thick in here…or should one say tight…

I think it is worse for people with “red” in their usernames…apparently