lol my finger VS. the router

Well since this is a thread jack from others aswell i might aswell share my story from about a month ago, i was taking the side wing off of a snowplow one bolt was left in the mounting area and one left in the frame from a support bar, no nut on the bolts, the loader was hooked up to it. As i was swinging the plow back and forth to try and wiggle it off of the 2 bolts the one on the mounting area came off leaving the one in the support arm, the harness and wing then rotated sideways with my hand still on it crushing my finger between the wing and the mounting area on the truck resulting in me almost losing my finger…

The finger got punctured on the top, aswell as scratched up, cut right open down to the bone on the bottom, and broke between the first and second joint (starting at the hand not tip of finger)

Its about a month later now and my finger is still swolen, and i cannot bend it all the way or straighten it all the way and still has a significant amount of pain when doing certain things, im thinking i cut a tendon. going back to clinic/hospital this week to get it checked again.

^ Ouch dude, hopefully you get all the mobility back, best of luck


we should start a post for cut fingers while working on 240’s

bahaha Jess showed us a picture of this when I was at all tech, made me never want to use a router


I will be seeing Deadmau5 live in concert in 2 weeks in Athens Greece!!! I can’t wait!!!

talk about blood sweat and tears…hope it heals up good