Lol problem with edit in mobile

When browsing the forum in Nyspeed mobile skin, when editing a post in a thread (not advanced editing)
instead of " post now" or whatever it is supposed to read it reads “vote now” lol

just thought I’d let you guys know :slight_smile:

We’ve known for a while. It’s not just with mobile it’s all of the skins. It should be fixed along with several other things with the new update.

Sorry if it was posted, but is there a mobile site ? Its hard as F doing everything as the full site on my phone

no there is not a mobile site yet, just an app for black berry and a mobile skin that you can use.

After we get the upgrades built I will be looking into a ‘’ option. It is semi easy to implement but i just have to find the time to do it.

droid phone fail :frowning:

I’m on my Droid and its super easy to navigate around the site… what are you trying to do?

Im just trying to browse lol, it’s fine but it would be a lot easier if there was a mobile site

Just switch the mobile skin and it works great. At least on my jesus phone it does. :wink:

deebo, get dolphin browser if you don’t already have it.

i updated my dolphin browser and now it doesn’t work so i’m back to the default browser. i still have no problem looking at the site. and i sort of like double tap better.

I barely know how to use my phone, i dont have the mad skillz to start downloading apps n shit lol. Ill check out the android thread and mess around with it over the weekend