LOL story

So I go out on a date with this girl on Saturday. We head down to Coney Island to watch a minor league baseball game. After that we went to the amusement park, got on the Ferris wheel, all that stuff. So then we go for a walk along the beach and climb up a lifeguard tower so we can look at the ocean and watch fireworks. A little while later we see this dude running down the beach. He stops like 20 yards past us. Walks into the water up to his knees . . . pulls down his pants and takes a crap in the water. Totally ruined the moment.


LMFAO. Classic. Hobo in Toronto decided to piss in the middle of the street and lay in it. This was just as me and an ex were leaving the movies. Some dude ended up carrying him off to the sidewalk like a gym bag.


lifeguard stand is instant make-out time

Taking a woman to the beach at night time is almost unfair.

lol… shitty.

Where’s the dude who made a thread about being at UB and having to shit but didn’t have time to go home? He needs to read this. This is how a man gets it done.

That’s got to be pretty funny to see at a moment like that.

LOL that might have been me :frowning:


Dude, you were by Astroland…What did you expect :lol:

Next time take a walk down Manhattan Beach…much better. Or just hang out in Sheepshead bay.

Or take her to Candle light.

fixed, and true as hell.

Wtf… do I know you?

haha, i see what you did there.

i once mad eye contact with a bum shitting in the middle of an intersection, under a bridge, in Japan…

Well you deserved that after the worlds most corny date… did you take her to an outdoor ice rink after and then shower the place in flower petals with a bubble bath.

I kid I kid

omg i miss that place

Word: That was my UB story…

I will have to stand by my story. I would not poop on the beach. What would you wipe with? You socks? I can’t wear shoes without socks that gross, my feet would sweat like a mother. So that leaves what, maybe your underwear…but then if you miss a spot your pants are totally ruined. I think a undershirt would have to be my garment of choice.

I have under certain circumstances though pooped in the woods. But I have always had enough tissue to take care of myself.

I was kissing a broad in my car pretty recently it was near 3rd base. We were in the parking lot around the corner and a bunch of dudes walked by and the one kid looked in the window. He didnt realize we were in there and was like “sorry… nice car though”

Fucker was prolly gonna smash my window.

replace broad with dude, then its believeable