LOL @ Zimbabwe

its not really a change…the way i look at it …


This is true. Not enough is being done by the world community either. But, to that point what can be done when the despotic rulers of these countries wont allow any progress to be made?


One can only wonder how much they cost to produce.

So technically the money didn’t lose any value, they’re just “consolidating” the amount of pieces of currency in circulation, so to speak?

Not seeing a big deal with that :gotme:

Other than any wealth whatsoever that you’ve managed to accumulate in your lifetime is gone.

Oh well, Mugabe is certainly going to seize the opportunity. “Now if anybody tries to not get fucked by this, I’m going to declare a military state.” Right. InB4militarystate

Is it actually though? Or does it just become the smaller, less inflated currency amount? I didn’t get the jist that they were seizing the money.

The way I am seeing it is that as of today, you have $100,000,000,000. $100,000,000 buys a loaf of bread. Tomorrow instead, you will have $100, and $1 buys you a loaf of bread. You are still able to buy the same 10 loafs of bread for your money.

its not the consolidation thats the issue. its the superduperhyperinflation that made the currency worthless and caused it.

Like what happened to the Soviet bloc in the early 90’s

exactly my thought. Apparently we’re both missing something lol

Japan should do this too, everything there costs 100x what the rest of the (non-zimbabwe)-world pays but their money is worth 100x less.

IIRC it was actually 1998 when the ruble collapsed.