im pretty sure it would have just been him and newman…the end

good for you beck :tup:

oh wait, did i just let something slip that i wasnt supposed too?

i really wanna see california cody, whos got teh myspace

no one named “cali codi” doesnt have a myspace

ok, i’m sure that worked out very well for him.

“adam beck is back on the market”

I trust this kid’s word as much as i’d trust cuban’s

Fighting solves everything.

wtf. what is it with all these noobs thinking they know shit?

Busy day in NYS:OT. :ohnoes:

for some reason i believe newman would purt a serious hurting on beck.


this is becuzzzz, we <3 the drama.


what the fuck.

i register, post in “initiation” and i still can’t read the fucking thread.


remember when you walked into dennys and asked us if we noticed anybodys posts getting really funny. Specifically lopros86’s?

Nice try, but no. Glad to see you finally got whats was coming to you :tup: Do i have any sympathy for you? Nope.

thread was deleted on offtopic, I think. But…why?

aaaaaahahahhahaa i dont know if his nose is swollen or just that big

it was, now people be pm’ing me about deleting it here too :snky:

Are you saying… Beck = lopros?

that’s what he’s saying.

get out of here dont delete it…post those who want it deleted and we will carry their head on a stick through the village

I do believe that is what he is saying.

What village?!

What village?!