London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

sorry meant to say may 25th

is anyone form london going?? HAs anyone been?? Is it worth the drive. I wa thinking about going last year but did nto want to go and not know anyone else who was going. I am interested in going if someone else is going.


Its a sick meet, i go to school here in london and i will be goin. i just got a new 240 so i hope its got new paint by then, but it is always a good turnout and there are some bad ass cars that go.

im going fo sho, what school you at sohc

if i go do you want to drive down there together?

Why would you go to Bing’s meet when there’s a full day at Shannonville to be had? Man up and get to the track.

because last time I checked, Bing was looking into changing the day from the 25th. I do not know if he was still planning on that

hey guys im at funshawe the f*ck up factory, i drive a black 91 hatch with faded paint and a weird hole cut in the front bumper (the guy i bought it from thought it would be an air intake for the intercooler), mainly i rip around the school area. I will be goin to bings meet for sure but i will be back home in for erie for may 2-4 thus will be goin from there. I would like to get together with some of you guys before then that way you have someone you know there. Maybe when this weather gets nice. I got a crazy few weeks ahead but it would be cool to get together. What are your thoughts. Oh and tenatively the talk in the members section is its goin to be the 25th to work well with track days, but that is just hearsay. I will post up when the date is set for sure. Where all you guys from?

i think we should go to shannonville and bings make a weekend outta it and all cruise together :slight_smile: and 90sohc im part of the fuck up crew too. what you taking there? i havent seen your 240 around. let me know if you need help workin on it or anything i wanna see it. and kyle i didnt know you were still kickin around. what you been up to buddy? still got the AE86 layin aorund?

Yea, I’m still around. I’m going to school in Barrie now though. 240 is sleeping and AE86 is still in pieces, lol. If all goes well I’ll be renting a house next semester so I’ll have a place to put it together.

ill be goin to bings aswell!..we should indeed get together

im thinkin a big cruise up their a buddy of mine comin from toronto is bring some more 240s to the meet. they are havin a big cruise as well so maybe we shoudl mee up with them some where and then proceed to bings

yeah man for sure lets get ameet together sometime, im takin manufacturing engineering, add me to msn stevepilote at well meet up

i’d probably be up for driving down with you guys since i’m in london all the time anyway… as long as i can go to shannonville and the bings meet, shannonville comes first.

^ If this cracker is going, odds are I am too.

thinkin of Shannonville if I get some suspension and wheels in time

why ont we hit up shannnville grab a hotel and cruise with toronto boys to bings meet? and 90sohc i wanna see your car so bad you should come see my project :stuck_out_tongue:

well it wont be back up here till the start of april, i fucked up the timing and blew my ing lands out, so i will be rebuilding it this weekend and then the woman and i are goin to florida for a week so it wil be back soon, add me to msn and well chat i wanna hear about your project

so when is next schedualed meet guys?

I’m up for hotel etc… did anyone from here sign up yet?