London Area members - [wednesday's @ 9:45pm]

They left a card on my car when I was working as well.

we shold all meet up again one day a week somewhere far from the LDOT boys. i rreally dont like them. they are kinda nice guys but just veryembarrasing to be around when they have thier cars

Someone in a Red coupe waved to me. First I was trying to figure out if it was actually a 240, then I thought the guy was giving me the finger, rofl.

So basically I just looked at them kinda confused :frowning:

was yours the dark coloured 240 with the white ish rims? if so that was me lol

Yeah, that’s me. I saw you again later again by oxford and platt’s lane, but I was in a cr-v and not the 240.

ah. when are we londoners gonna meet up and cruise?? i cant find any other 240s driving around half the time. can we start up another met now that there is more of us? like a regular meet that we can all go to?

If you change your dumbass signature I might be down for a cruise.

I live in Wasaga Beach, but the wifes lives in London… I am usually in London from wed nigth to friday night… I should be good to roll/meet up with ya’s…

you guys wanna do every thurs or wed night? where would you wanna meet and then cruise? sorry tacoboy ill change my sig lol

how about this guys, wanna have a BBQ in the next couple weekends, maybe 3 from now, at my buddies house(he lives in a round about so there is lots of room to park everywhere) and then we can discuss where to have a regular meet? let me know if you guys would be up for this and we’ll pick a weekend and ill give directions and everything.

I would be down to meet up to pick a date.

well corey since we live near each other maybe you shoudl call or text me cause i wanna see your car again. and then we can organise from there and figure out a BBQ

sure what are you doing tomorrow between 10 and 5?

corey you got me number. call me. i was in algonquin all weekend. im usually doin nothing though.

ok lets meet up guys. what days work best for everyone?

Wednesday LAC is having a joint meet at the usual spot. I think it’s at 9 or 930. Check LAC.

that blows! i wont be there. my wisdom teeth are coming out that night.

sorry guys I haven’t been on my computer for quite a while. I still want to meet up with yoy guys somwtime soon. This wednesday does not work for me either. Any other nights good for people?

I will be in London tonite until friday afternoon, then coming back to wasaga, if you guys are meeting up either tonite, wed, or thursday night let me know!

I should be able to meet up with you guys on thurs night but it will have to be a bit earlier becuase I have to be somewhere at 8 o’clock.

Is this good for anyone?

Also, Fitzy_07, do you work at the shop that is in your signature? Its looks like a cool place if you do.