Long story, Dont read!!

Okay so I send the nissan out for exhaust Tuesday, and unfortunatly im not able to get it back until Wed. Leaving me without a car.

So after a brief embarrasing negotiation with a friend I borrow his snatch.

About 15 minutes after I start the buggy i get into leave and wouldnt you know
3kgt kid comes pulling up next to me at the light not only 50ft. from my lot Yappin on his celli, stereo bumpin with the wing about to rattle off.

So Im new in this car, meaning never drove it before, and its a good friends car,
this toolbag is eyeballin me through the tint, (I know he had NO idea who was in the car)

So natureally i give him a little burp, then he responds with a gasping waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh through the dual farts with dual tips on each, (Yeah 4 tips)
Soooo I give him another burp a little louder, With absolutly NO intention of running them, just fucking off basically.

So the light turns and wamm he yanks out,I see him shifting the car Like a friggin mack truck, mean while its an AUTO. I quikly think to myself , (hmmm hes gonna go around telling everybody that his POS beat this car and my “Friend” is goona say wtf dude why didnt you race him?)

So I give it 1st gear a little, well okay I gave it hell in 1st, turned 2nd and now right beside him, then BABABABA REV LIMITOR kicks, scares the crap outta me,Im thinkin I just blew this motor, never felt a rev limitor like that before.
Hell I shift the Nissan 6-7k I know I was nowhere near that in the snatch, but regardless he pulls away.

2 hours pass, and the phone rings,
-Firend says- " What the hell are you doing racing my car and getting beat? BY 3KGT Kid!!"

I try and explain it was a childish jackrabbit pull out, and nothing more.

-Friend says- " OHHH But he was just here, and said HE handed you YOUR ass in MY car"

I think friend still thinks I really was out racing, shit i leave everyday looking for a tarus, or caravan that would like to run, and never find any, and the one day i pull out of the lot with somebody elses car, this happens

So im just settin the story straight here,
That was in no way a race, I did not whoop on my friends car, and I did not race that fag, but next time i see him, im crashin his ass for talking shit,
Better believe that!! :wtcslap:

bouncing rev limiter is a risky little game on built or forced induction motors. You should be a bit more careful next time.

oh no this baby is runinng stock, no turbo, and far as I know no build up. but ya without a tach it was hard to know where i was.

thats why i am soooooo picky on leaving my car anywhere. 1st Try Engineering and Hybrid dynamics are the only two shop i will leave my car with. Hearing this story you are on my ban list now :wink:

yayayaya you lost :kekegay:

Well its not fair, since i got more heat for not running him hard than I did for running two gears, My friend, Was pissed that I didnt give it more hell.

yayayaya you lost

it wasnt a race, this car would smoke that turd by far, I know that.

This was more of a pissing contest from my end and a full out drag race on his.


I read this twice and I’m still not totally sure happened…

he lost a race.

he lost a race.

Ah okay…thanks.


The only thing I lost was 20 minutes typing this dumb ass thread, just as you guys lost reading it,

woah woah woah guys, it was my civic, its was purely in fun and I couldn’t care less that he raced it. Hell I would’ve done the same thing except I know where the limiter is in my car. And further more the REV LIMITER is there for a reason to protect from over revving a car. so hitting it isn’t exactly a big deal. And besides its an I/H/E LS motor, how much damage could honestly have been done. I think zex you need to relax and take your showcar else where maybe your car might blow up but not a bolt on ls motor.


And another thing I’m pissed he didn’t keep going because now all I’m going to hear about at work is how this tools pos air plane wanna be car beat my hatch, and until the next time, which will never come his car is faster than mine. So if I would be pissed it would be because of this not because he “raced” my car


It all makes sense now. So a “snatch” is a Civic hatch.

It WAS noT A race!

emo :dunno: …title said long but worth it…wasnt worth it to me :booty: :dunno:

First-bass, I would still come to you for tint work, etc… hell, I still may on my impala or my suburban, or maybe both. BUT, if my friend raced my blazer, I would have his ass. if he raced and won, I’d be really upset because he’s racing my baby. If he raced and lost, I’d probabyl cut off his balls.

It doesn’t really matter what I think because its between two friends and each has their own ideas on the matter. But if MY friends raced my vehicle, I’d flip.

edit - i know this wasn’t a race, im just saying. if i got word back from someone i would not be a happy camper.

look homo Zex,
The cover of the new Summit cat. has a 1961 Ford Starliner, That I logged over 70 hours working on,
Volker Painted it,
Not to mention The countless Mags. That covered the 1956 Olds That I installed all the stereo components in, includeing the custom ported enclosure,
and wired over half the vehicles electronics,
The Orange Wild Rod Fiberglass car, that Was covered in numerass mags, I built the fiberglass centerconsole and rewired half the F*d up shit in the car so that it works great.
This was a story about me driving my friends car for the 1st time and you took it out of context.

So if you never wana come here to me for work thats great, but dont go and try to smear my name on here.

Nobody else saw it the way you did, therefor its your inturpritation of my “Story”
So please delet your post
and make me a happy guy again.:bigok:

So if you wana sling shit, sling it,
I dont mind, just not in the open forums
Dont be cheap! If Your Not Cheap Donate Here
Try donating and then

Do it in e fighting in the members area,and its on!

Other wise, shut your pie hole :tool::rant:

Well Thanx I guess, But I think I’d be missing my balls right now huh, :rofl:

Yeah, but, maybe I could use it as motivation to make my truck faster :rofl: