Look at this picture my mom sent me in an email...

no longer can you make such claims.

the other picture was of her entertainment center that she modified (with a reciprocating saw) to accommodate a substantially larger flat panel TV which she installed and connected herself, including all new audio and DVD equipment…


so she used a sawzall on an entertainment center?

yea… this isn’t looking good.

she’d better be hot.

hahaha… she did a good job, at least from the photo i saw.

she is.

thats twice now… lol.

What we have here is the rare specimen known as a “tech savy female.”

She knows how to take cell phone pics.
She knows how to take digicam pics.
She knows how to upload digicam pics.
She knows how to take screen caps.

She puts them all together to accomplish what a tech savy male would have done via Menu->Send.

Oh well, at least she’s hot.



That is so stupid, it would be much easier with a flat lcd monitor. DUH!

:word: That was obviously the work of a broad.

She is older then 16, but you have to remember one thing, there is a daddy newman. So in order to get newds you’d have to contact him.

isn’t she on myspace?

i know where she lives if anyone wants to peak in her windows.

maybe she went to the future

Does your mom know you wear girl pants?

Your mom should make friends with Bob.


