Look at this picture my mom sent me in an email...

It’s not the subject that’s funny, but how she got it to me.

Took a pic on her cell

Took a pic of the cell w/ a digicam

Took a screenshot and pasted it in an email.

She’s fairly tech savy, idk why th heck she chose to send it like that…


IB4: “pics of mom”


Is she hot? That might make up for it.


man. i totally called it at the end of my post.

hahahha, noodz :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, was gonna say exactly that, but figured id change it up a bit


Why doesn’t she have a taskbar item open which is named ‘shemales’?

why is the file called entertainment death

lol. should have printed the screenshot and faxed it to you.

haha, because she also sent me a picture of her entertainment center.

And then she printed out the email, scanned it in to her work computer, and sent you a fax of the scan 8)

edit: ugh, fail.

theres no nudez, given it’s newman’s mother, she’s older than him…not >16. lol


sign her up for nyspeed



Then :needpic: of your(Newman) mama.

wait you died?

it was my grandfathers grave.

no one knew where it was.

we’re not that close.
