look at this!

found this on www.phun.org great site. but this guy cought a bad one. feel sorry for him.

ya that would tottaly suck

but seen this pic along time ago, i first saw it on NICO.

Yeah i see that somewhere i a long time ago…that would def suck …poor tree lmao…it least it was a coupe :open_mouth: haha

Repost x1829374949, pretty much as old as the internet.

But I wouldnt mind taking those longchamp XR4’s on the rear.

That would be one sad day :frowning:

i would be so angry, its old but its still something i wish to never happin to anyone i know.
Coupe < Hatch ha! love that one GTChampion

lol its a seal or dolphin… or doing yoga

It’s winking.

bog is that u in the background? :open_mouth:

i would shit the sheets if i came out and found a tree on my car. i guess they make garages so this will never happen. ha

well atleast he can part out the front end and the rear end…but so much for interior! =P

haha must be a SR