Look what's on Ebay!

Pittsburgh-based car that won drag week!


Only three days left…better get your bid in quickly! :bigthumb:

that thing is badass!




Why would you sell that! I cant believe he drove that to all the races with the trailer, thats sick!

that is denny’s MO…sell it while it is hot.

I would have thought he would sell it at BJ last week. He was there (I saw him on TV during the auction, while his old Starliner was on the stage).

I’ll bet reserve is around $150K.

That is f’ing sick.

thats a bad bitch

that car is soo Bad Ass

holy moly.

Looks slow.

i seen that car run in person with its old setup…it was fast then…that procharger setup made it disgusting fast

Is it ok if I get a boner thinking about this car??

That car is ridiculously awesome.

amazing car…the car looks sick, those street tires must cost a fortune, …

That car is sick.

75,100.00 (reserve not met) ballin’

id rock it