Lookin for a HOME!

My girl has a pure breed Huskey she needs to get ride of. Nothing wrong with the dog, her life style just doesn’t have time to take care of a dog. Its about a 10yr old female thats been fixed. If interested PM me. She’s not looking for money, just a very caring family to take care of her.


Only one I can find right now. . . . .



awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww good luck!


her life style just doesn’t have time to take care of a dog.


While the details of her life are none of my business, I certainly hope that there are circumstances beyond her control forcing this. I’d certainly hate to think that another dog is getting ditched because it’s no longer convenient for its family to have it.

If you can’t find her a home, the Seneca Siberian Husky Club has a rescue/adoption center that may take her.

awwww…so cute. I wish I didn’t just get a kitten on Sunday or I would so take her!
I hope she finds a GOOD home!

If you haven’t already try putting her on craigslist.

Awwwww I so want a husky but I would feel so bad if I took her home and she would start freaking out wondering whats going on. Keep me updated tho if no one takes her.


Awwwww I so want a husky but I would feel so bad if I took her home and she would start freaking out wondering whats going on. Keep me updated tho if no one takes her.


Dogs are very adaptable. Given a confident leader/owner 2-3 days tops till she feels/acts like she’s been there her whole life.

Just sayin don’t let that stop you. :gotme:

I <3 Huskies. Gorgeous animals.

Hope she finds a good home. If this was a year or 2 later, I’d be all for picking her up.


While the details of her life are none of my business, I certainly hope that there are circumstances beyond her control forcing this. I’d certainly hate to think that another dog is getting ditched because it’s no longer convenient for its family to have it.


word. fucking take care of your business.


word. fucking take care of your business.


Um. . . a simple “no thanks” would of worked just fine.

Wow, someday when I have a yard and my own house I’ll have a husky too. Great looking dog, I’m sure she is very friendly and playful…

GL hope she finds a good home.

if my landlord allowed dogs, i’d def come get her. she looks sweet.

Any luck? I know someone looking for a husky. the dog they had was prego and stolen.


Any luck? I know someone looking for a husky. the dog they had was prego and stolen.


Sorry it took so long to reply. . .but no, no luck yet.

let me ask teh roommate… and see