Looking for 240sx, s13, s14, coupe, hatch, can be broken. Drift scars dont scare me

I’m looking for a 240sx. It can be hatch or coupe, must be manual. Can be broken, I dont mind any drift scars. Frame doesnt have to be perfect. Send me what you have with location, price, information on the car and pictures. Thanks.

Also looking for a clean s13 coupe. Just a rolling chassis as I already have a motor and tranny setup. Little to no rust please.

hey i buddy of mine has a s14 1997 240sx. clean body, runs fine, auto tho with a ka but lots of goodies.
hes looking for about 5 grand
pm me for details

Ive got an s13 hatch, d2 coils, sr engine and tranny just begging to be swapped in. pm me for more info
