Looking for .250" long metal spacers

Like the two pictured on the bottom right:


Where is the best place to source something like this? Thanks in advance.

ottp just saying lol

The car doesn’t wheel hop anymore but I feel the bushings provided are too big, I had to really JAM THEM IN THERE to get it to fit.

How about you just take your existing ones and flat sand them on some 180 grit until they fit better. No need to get super high tech in machining them to fit easier. I mean I could rip a pair off in the lathe but it’ll cost you…

The Dremel is coming out of the box tomorrow.

they are supposed to be like that, your physically rotating the motor. it takes quite a bit of force to do that when your doing the install in a driveway

what size Outer Diameter? size Inner Diameter? I have some that are the right thickness


Thanks 6spd-ek, I really appreciate that. I actually ground down the parts until they fit snugly rather than jamming them in there. Car runs like a champ and burns the tires off in 1st and 2nd rather than just slamming the engine around. Love driving it now.