Looking for a 240sx or silvia

that cluster looks fimilar lol :slight_smile:

Looks mad clean. No rust.

hud ftL

buy my car


im durunk

FAAAWK… me toooooo

If you want me to take your cars into consideration, send me pics, price, and contact info. send me a private message on here or my email: aerosolking716@yahoo.com

In the Falls…



Oooooh thats nice…

Im thinkin in hte falls? I never saw that around until i saw ontario. Nice car. You can get silvias in canada. I knowa guy witha s13 silvia for sale. He wants like 9k canadian. Ca18det suspension all the goodies and higher boost.

If I did buy a silvia in canada, how much would it be to bring it over here? Do you thinks it would be more than the car to bring it over the border?

yea but getting that registered in the states?

Originalsin, talk to your buddy yet?

talk to my buddy? what buddy? i havent been out to the storage place yet.

it might not be to bad to ge it registered…it has a new proper VIN unlike the skylines substitute VIN

Its a lil illegal but get some 240 vins and title. slap em on the silvia and say u converted it to rrhd and thats it. A guy on zilvia did it. It worked. Insurance didnt say anything about it. I was thinking of doin hte same thing but i wanted a sr20 in it.