Looking for a good DSLR

I have a Canon Rebel XTi and would like something better/newer. Anybody got any decent DSLRs laying around they’d be willing to part with??

(not sure if this is the right place to post this thread…)

I am selling a sony A330

Canon D series

I saw that, but its pretty much at the same level as mine. I wanna upgrade.

Yea, thats what I’m looking for. Just figured I’d check here to see if anybody had something for a decent price.

Why do you feel it’s necessary to upgrade? The XTi is a great camera and investing money in a new body may not be necessary IMO. What kind of lenses do you currently own? Own an external flash? There are a lot of things that I’d recommend upgrading before the actual body.

Unless you want video…then you’d need a Rebel T1i+, 60D, 7D or 5DMKII (if Canon is what you want).

Niko n

Oh stop.

Have an external flash, had the 50mm 1.4 (RIP). I realize the lens used is one of the most important things. My problems with the camera:

  • The D series just feel better in my hand (insert joke…). The XTi feels kinda cheap.
  • My laptop has a built-in SD reader but the XTi takes CF
  • The button to pop out the CF card broke… :Idiots
  • I’d like something with higher continuous fps

Video would hurt either I guess

I do agree, the rebel series does feel “cheap”. It’s the plastic body rather then magnesium. The only option that really fits your criteria (in Canon) is the 60D. Has faster burst capabilities, larger/heavier magnesium and uses SD memory.

Most of the higher end Canon’s use CF though.

Yea thats pretty much what I’ve been leaning towards. Its just so many dollhairs :cry:

I’m somehow surprised it’s a newer model yet the 50D still MSRP’s for more. I’d say lean towards something second hand, like a 40D or 50D but they are CF and no video option. Finding a used 60D would prob be like a unicorn, haha.

Or make a compromise and get a CF camera :slight_smile: If you want to off the XTi, let me know.

I have a nikon D300 pm if interested

What happened to your 1.4…? I just got one. Fucking love it.

Oops, meant 1.8

I dropped it :frowning: And since the 1.8 is plastic, it got allll F’d up.

Fuck camera bodies. Good glass is where its at.
My 2005 technology Canon 5D serves me well and I am no where near to utilizing its full potential or even know how to use some of its features.

only reason i would upgrade is for video…i love my xti but thats the only reason i want to get rid of it.