Which DSLR do you have????

I am looking for one myself. Choices are Canon XTI and D80. The quality of pictures from a DSLR compared to any point and shoot are beyond comparision. Who here has a DSLR and what model?

i have a olympus e-500 and i like it alot.

I have used that camera. My cousin has it. Nice camera.

nikon D50

nikon D50

Only thing that I really hate is the fact that the top LCD screed isnt backlit, which makes using it at night kind of a PITA…

Canon Rebel XT

Rebel XT.

Go with the XTi!!

nikon d100

my husband has the digital rebel xti. i <3 it.

rebel xt > *

although you might not be able to find it anymore…i think Canon was phasing it out to go with the Rebel XTi which is kind of stupid because after demo-ing both cameras, i think the XT is better and it costs less.

diamage awesome

Nikon D70… not to mention its for sale :slight_smile:

You’re kidding, right? It’s not the camera that makes the picture, it’s the eye looking throught the lens. One of my shots that is framed hanging in my house was taken on a 2MP P&S. Don’t go thinking you’re going to be a better photographer because you spent some money on a camera. Don’t be a GWC.

I’d go with the XT if you can find it. Get the XTi if you can’t.

I have taken pics around the house with my SD450 P&S. I have also taken pics with a Sony A100 10.2MP. I guess the lens that I used made the diff. But the pics where much better quality. Just my opinion. I understand fully that the person takes the picture, not the camera.

If I may just give you one more piece of advice…don’t spend a ton of money on an SLR unless you plan on learning how to use it to it’s full capabilities. If you’re just going to be shooting in auto mode all the time it won’t be worth it at all. If you have any questions about reading materials or anything let me know.

Thanks! I am actually getting into photography as a hobby. I like taking pictures, messing around with exposures, etc with my canon SD450. I used my cousins Olympus E-500 before and loved it. I agree to your statement. I wouldnt spend the money if I was not planning on learning how to fully take advantage of the features.

haven’t you been looking at DSLR cameras for several months now? Getting to be like the MikeRi24 of DSLR Cameras.

I have the Canon Rebel and love it. But i can’t give a reccomendation over others since i have no experience with the others.

I have been looking…waiting to buy because you cant use them below 35-degree temps. So I am keeping my eye open…hoping to come accross a good deal.

Fuji S2 Pro (apparently it’s mine now). Awesome camera, relatively cheap, great interface.

JIPhoto definitely is on the right track. If you can’t get a P&S to produce great photos, you’ll be drowning in the options you have on an SLR.

I love using the P&S…I am running out of options on mine…time to move up:)