Which DSLR do you have????

I’ve taken plenty of skiing pictures w/ an XT w/o any issues :gotme:

DSLR’s are not supposed to be used in very cold temps…something to do with the internals…not exactly sure…but thats what I have been told.

digital rebel xti - hotness. love it. bring it everywere. get ready to invest in some baller lenses too. cus its addicting

the only thing i can think of is condensation… i notice it sometimes with my lenses… when i take off the lense cap condensation will form on the outer lense. no biggie, just wipe it off with a microfiber…

Olympus is crap, that’s like buying the Mitsubishi of cameras right there.

Cannon’s focus is incredibly fast, but I hate the controls and anything short of their pro line feels like cheap plastic crap.

Nikon’s new stuff is incredibly fast (such an improvement on their old stuff), and gets the nod from me. Durable bodies, good glass.

Shot with:
Fuji S2 Pro, S3 Pro
Kodak 14n
Canon 10D, 20D, D-Rebel
Nikon D50 D70 D200 D2x
And a variety of Olympus crap.

Oh yeah, and the “cold” “issue”. No electronics are truely supposed to get cold. But I’ve shot a D2x out on a frozen lake while ice racing, I’ve shot Club racing in freezing rain, etc, etc. The cameras can take it no problem, but they will eat batteries faster.

^ I agree. I love the XTI but the feel is plasticy. The D80 seem solid all the way around.

The D70 is rock solid, I can bring it tomorrow if your interested so you can check it out and see if it’s something you like?

i looked at the Rebel XT and the D50, and for some reason i just didnt like Nikons cameras. i dont know why, i just thought the Canon was better for some reason.

quote for the most informative post ever :tup:

I don’t like Olympus cause it sounds Greek :uhh:

I love Canon P&S…but their DSLR are to plasticy…the grip when you tap it sounds hollow. The Nikon feels more durable from the outside to me. Could be personal preference but those are my thoughts.

Marcus, it comes down to Magnesium vs Plastic. Hmmm I wonder which makes a better camera body. Of course, as always just like a car you REALLY need to “test drive” to see what camera works better for you.


no arguement there:eekdance:

have we all adapted the idea that plastic is bad? remember it’s “SPACE AGE”!

Bingo. I’ve had a Digital Rebel and a Rebel XT as well as a D50, D70s and my current D70 and there has been no better feel than the Nikon’s magnesium body. The Canon’s always felt lightweight and that if I dropped it they would shatter. All my Nikon’s I have felt like if I was rock climbing and dropped it down the face, it would be perfectly fine.

I never would go back to a Canon for a DSLR. Nikon ftmfw!

Damn I realized I go through way too many damn camera’s.

I’ve always liked the nikon dslr’s I have the D50 myself and I love it, get some good glass to go in front of it and you will be all set :wink: