A couple questions for the camera guys

[LEFT]Hey guys, I feel as though its time to make the jump to DSLR before the summer, but I’ve become torn on what brand to get, I’ve always used cannon and to this day I love my S2IS, for what it really is its incredible, but lately when it comes to DSLR it seems as though EVERYONE is using Nikon and my question is to the Nikon users what is it that you really like about the Nikon over the cannon SLR’s I’ve heard a few things but I’d really like the whole story. My other question is there a camera store in the area that everyone likes, cause I’d really like to try and trade in my S2 towards a new cam, and possibly find a refurbished DSLR, any input is greatly appreciated, thanks



I like it because it’s an older yet superior model that you can often find a little bit cheaper. Furthermore there are more steps available in aperture when doing that thing you do for HDR. LOL, I apologize for the ghetto terminology.

Nikon > Canon mainly because of durability. Nikons are tougher.

Picture quality will be hard to tell the difference between similar models. Some people say nikons pick up color better, but it’s debatable.

For entry level DSLR’s the choice was easy for me because I wasn’t prepared to drop money on a kit + another lens and the Canon kit lens is garbage compared to the Nikon kit lens.

Nikon for lower end DSLR, Canon for higher end DSLRs

cannon ftw. digital rebel xti here and i love it.

Thanks guys, yeah I dont need any thing real crazy I was thinking D40 with a lens kit, lots of people seems to really like that setup