Looking for a job in Rochester

Micro managing boss + GF and family in Rochester = planning to get out.

Anyone have any leads on a market data analyst position or something similar? Basically I have a marketing degree and IT experience. If you think you have something that might fit the bill let me know. Current job is working for a health care company, so if anyone has hookups at preferred care, excellus Blue Cross, etc, let me know!

I appreciate any help that you might have to offer.


GL guy … also looking but cant find anything like the benefets we have here and same pay or more…

Do you work for univera? I believe the umbrella company they are under has a facility in rochester

^^ no we dont work there

pm sent

PM and email sent.

Thank you Kevin :tup:

bumpity :bump:

I have contacts for Amica Ins. but they are at home. idk if your interested.

Hmm, I would be interested if it wasn’t a sales job. Do you know what kind of jobs are available?

get to work

Sales/Customer Care.

Edit, im pretty sure are hiring tech/IT people, where i currently work.