Looking for a new computer...

Well, I have my powerbook, but I am looking for a PC with everything included (monitor, printer, keyboard, mouse, etc).

Not looking for a gaming computer, but I would like it to be somewhat quick.

I know the basics, but I haven’t looked into buying a computer in a while so I am unaware of teh new hottnesses out there. Plus I admit, I am somewhat of a n00bie to the specs and details of computers.

I would like to spend around $500. Give or take, depending on the deal.

Primary objective for use: SHITLOADS of homework, research, one or two games if that, and obviously porn.

I was contemplating snagging a quality tower and just picking up the accessories as I already have an older Dell with a 19" lcd monitor, but I’ve been looking at package deals from Dell and other vendors and I can pick up a quality PC system for decent prices.

Soooooooo… What do you nerds prefer? Help a newb out…



dell uses a lot of imported noname stuff.
if you’re a student you can get a big discount on HP computers.

Best bet is to build it yourself though… I know you weren’t looking for that…
but it’s actually really easy…

http://www.computerforum.com/ is a good place to always look to get up to date in a couple reads.

i just bought a laptop from the dell outlet… the deals there are outstanding… you can get a pretty great deal for towers there as well, easily within your price range. as far as i know it would just be the tower though, i’m not sure if they come with accessories… but you can add those to the purchase for a relatively cheap price.

HP makes garbage desktops. I’ve seen two fail within a few months both were totally different users and different places. On a budget of $500 for a computer that must include a monitor you are gonna be getting bare minimum for parts as far as building it. Dell makes a really solid computer for what you pay for it. I gamed on my Dimension 8400 for a long time and it served me well.

I wouldn’t mind building one eventually, I know a lot of people who would be able to help me with that, but with my hectic lifestyle right now it’s just not in the cards at the moment. I’d rather just buy a solid platform and maybe upgrade a tad in the future…

Scott, link to the dell outlet?

Fuckin beauty right here lol

Deal expired. Try again?

If you click on “Click Here” the computer is 489

Im an idiot. Thanks.

Shit, Office costs that much? lol…

torrent that bitch