Looking for a Nissan Mechanic in Toronto...

Just looking to see if I can find a really good Nissan mechanic in Toronto…

yes i have one for you

call me @4168870139

kennedy/eglinton theres a gas startion there with a little shop beside em. they know their nissans. they always have a couple of 240’s there sometimes a couple skylines and a 300zx.

I just gave willy a call and he said that he is not a nissan mechanic and did not post his phone number. So i’m just letting people know not to waste their time calling him.


Lol, that willy situation, be it as it may that it happened a while ago, was funny as hell.


If your looking for somone in the scarbrough area (mccown & sheppard) Let Me Know! or look up Zoom Auto! =)

I hope willy works there. :smiley:

(yes, i’m kinda’ milkin’ it.)