looking for a non-keurig coffee maker

the heating element went in mine, and im not really into the keurig idea anymore. i like to drink multiple cups of coffee and we have this rad little coffee store here in hamburg that sells all kinds of awesome beans that arent sitting in tiny little cups

any suggestions? looking to spend $50-$100

I had a real nice stainless mr coffee that lasted almost 4 years with regular use. It was only $60 at walmart or target. I replaced it with a keurig and the my k cup filter.

yeah, i have one of those too, the plastic things you can fill with coffee without a kcup? idk. i just want to go back to old school coffee makers

french press? got one for Christmas and I LOVE it. pretty easy and can make 1-8 cups at a time. understandably difficult if you don’t have hot water available (or heating available)

Mine died after the warranty period and keurig still replaced it for free,they had a new one on the doorstep in 2 days and you don’t have to mail the old one back.At least get a new one and sell it lol.

If you are looking for a drip, go with the cuisinart…they are another company that is known for good customer service and replacing failed machines after warranty period.

I would recommend not getting one with the built in grinder…get a separate grinder if that’s what you’re into.

if you don’t mind spending about $80 on a coffee maker go look at this one http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=coffee+makers&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1277&bih=702&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9471918058089322342&sa=X&ei=cSD7TrCDC8Xt0gHIrJibCg&ved=0CLABEOUNMAI#ps-sellers. i have alrdy got one for my mother aunt and grandparents. they all love it and has all the right features.

I have the same one…great coffee maker

^this Both my brother in law and sister in law has the same thing happen. Both got brand new ones without shipping the old ones back.