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I was alright with him until he started this bullshit with Cossey.

Cossey is a good dude, fuck this Numba1clownshoe and his bullshit lies.

To Dave/Numba1Scrapper/love4boost:

You probably dealt dope and got yourself in trouble with the law…

It was pretty fuckin low of you to comment on Cossey’s eye sight , by the way. You just hit Tony Caton status with that one. Fuck yourself you piece of fuckin shit, go get a blowout hair cut and hang out with T-money.

Oh and your fuckin pitbull with his giant ass tow chain, you make me sick… people like you are the reason that RESPONSIBLE/LOVING DOG OWNERS can’t have bully breeds in some areas.


There is a lesson to be learned here, keep your finger off the fucking trigger when you’re doing a gangsta pose Rabbit!


Tell your sister too:

I honestly would’ve thought that that’s one thing you could actually learn in the “hood”

i like the girl with the gun pick hahahaha

Move to the city where you belong

Quite sure that could be considered endangering the welfare of a child.

You know its not too hard for the cops to see that pistol pic, run your name find you dont have a permit and/or the registered pistol, and just come to your door and arrest you.


This kid decided to message me calling me out for saying gay to one of his pictures.

I would consider that a compliment compared to what else is being said.

i never asked for those , i have hotwheels send me nudes when needed . i dont hit off ni99a wannabees .

Post the PM

Originally Posted by love4boost
Him(First messge): LOL, I forgot being a fat fuck eating mcdonalds all day never working out a day in life is the COOL thing to do.

haha, what a faggot you are bro lol, talking shit becuase someone lives a healthy life and stays fit.

Me: I dont eat mcdonalds mang, nor smoke, and I do actually work out

Him: LOL, where in the fuck did you hear me say anything about smoking whatsoever? And I am an amature bodybuilder, im gay for spending over 300 hours a yr in the gym and not wanting to take pictures of my progress??? Your a fool, maybe if you worked out your body as much as your mouth you would look decent.

Oh and p.s im probably considered underweight for my age…damn im only 150 :banghead

before Steroids:


early stages :


full juicing


and some competition for eman



aaahahaha in front of the womens sign too


Love the strategic placement of that “women” sign bahahahahahahaha

Nothing like a dirt stache’


you know how I know you’re gay?


seriously ?

This is the next message he sent me, he relates EVERYTHING to money or muscle…holy ballsack

Bro, everyone talking shit about me is jealous and sucking chris cosseys cock, I will not stoop to your faggot ass level but I have 100% accurate proof from not only chris’s family but another 110% reliable source as well. I guess you have to be 110 pounds, have a bank account in it with less then $10k, in college and either have a $3,000 or less car with rust or have a car that it will take 5 years to pay off.

You and this forums words mean nothing to me lol, its actually a comment that you guys spend so much time researching me and STAYING right on the shaft of my cock. Its hilarious! I’ve met a ton of people on this forum who I actually hang out with, I could give a fuck about the rest lol.


:rofl :rofl :rofl +rep