LOOKING for cheap daily for friend asap

I would like to take the time out even though I said I wouldnt participate in this thread anymore to thank all of you. I mean sincerely thank all of you. I am so flattered that you gentleman spent your time researching me, looking me up on google, uploading pictures of me which means you had to save it on your computer :wink: and just continously talking about me. Its fucking AWESOME to tell you the truth!!! Good or bad, your still thinking about me and its fucking AWESOME!! I work REALLY hard on my pysique and am happy you flamers decided to posts pics up of me. Im an amature bodybuilder, im not gonna say Iā€™ve never taken steroids, but I will tell you 99.9% of members on here wouldnt look ANYTHING like me if they DID take steroids too. That being said, I am natural now and just used to end the platuea that my body was facing. I started at 128 pounds and am now 202 at a midget 5"8, none of you scumbags could or would do that. As for talking about kicking my ass, its REALLY getting old lol, none of you want to step up to the plate and actully DO something so REALLY, why keep talking about it? It just makes you look stupid that you can talk and talk and talk and not do anything lol. We dont even have to get into a big brawl, Iā€™ve got 2 pairs of 16oz boxing gloves and we can go 3 roundsā€¦ if anyone can last that long. I promise, all shit talking from this individual who accepts will come to a hault, I promise you. I know for a FACT half of you suck cock, so just let me know when you want the link to an amature porn site where you can see me getting my cock sucked by 30 yr old milfs. LOL, I can see half of the dudes on this site are still growing there nut hair as your calling me gay for taking pictures and stating an opinion on a favored bodybuilder. I should probably let all you know now that I HAVE been known to be involved in a few double penetration situations, im sure a few involving some of your mothers on here as im obsessed with milfs. I do not consider shirtless pictures gay, rating a pro bodybuilders physique gay and gang banging a single chick gay. Only a self concious closet fruit cakes who is scared to expose his 3 and a half inch cock or chode in chris cosseys case in public would call me gay. I guess I have to be poor, have rust on my car be 110 pounds or WIN my money to be accepted on here. Sorry I am 21 and the bank doesnt own my 2 cars, sorry I have a decent steady job that makes ok money and im REALLY sorry that you all think I do better then I REALLY do lol. All of you scumbag peices of shit come on here, see someone who is doing ok in life and you bash then. Other than this thread you will NOT find me being an instigator for foul talk or negativity towards another member unless it was brought upon me firstā€¦ To be hated becuase im from the city is a JOKE, the picture of the sister that I dont even see was taken with an unloaded weapon, similar to when I was in the 4th grade D.A.
R.E program and the cop let the class hold his weaponā€¦ I see I wont get anywhere on here, I wont be accepted and my car will be a peice of shit weather its a ā€œpowder blueā€ bmw that was painted with MY money, not the forums or a $1.6 million dollar veyron. ā€œThe color on your bmw is gay, its slow, extā€ "your an idiot for paying $1.6 million for a veyron, congrads, you paid a million and a half for a car with down syndrome ext. These are the responses Iā€™d be likely to get if I really DID buy a Veyron becuase all of you scumbags care about is hating. I love my bmw, I love the color and not 1 single part of my brain thought about what OTHER people would think about the color of MY car lol. You are ALL followers and will get NO where in life. Johnny k, what happened to your pm stating how your real sorry about talking shit, youd like to stop over with k20 to take pictures of my car and hang out a bit? This is an example of a follower, this DID happen and since everyone ELSE is hating hes gotta go BACK to hating or he wont be accepted anymore lolā€¦ what a joke, 80% of you for the most part are a JOKE. To the other people, I really AM sorry, hopefully you can understand im not talking about you.


love for cock , i have no gloves but would loveeeee to throw hands with ya . ya know like a real man would street style son yo . let me know if your interested ya whiny little puke

cool story brahhhhh :thumbup

bro you talk too much. shudddupppp

uploading pictures of me which means you had to save it on your computer
ummmmmmm you some sort of stupid? its called copy image link then insert image using durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:retardclap:retardclap

i have em saved ā€¦ remeinds me of when i looked cracked out and shit . he looked like the type of kid that got beat up by the school librarian

I wish i could quote all of this under my sig pictureā€¦:banghead

I live off Albany shaker road, id be interested to see you stop down now. No friends jumping in and no cop calling by myself or you.

my newest p/m lololol

ā€œā€ā€œWe dont even have to get into a big brawl, Iā€™ve got 2 pairs of 16oz boxing gloves and we can go 3 roundsā€¦ if anyone can last that long. I promise, all shit talking from this individual who accepts will come to a hault, I promise you.ā€""

bro no gloves, ill beat your ass anyday of the week along with EVERY OTHER SHIFT MEMBER except for your nutswinger sayton.

if work wasnt early id rip on down . how is the weekend for ya cupcake

You want to know how I KNOW your NOT a man? You want to know how I KNOW your a pussy? You want to know why I KNOW your all talk?

Becuase you quoted a pm I sent to YOU, no one else. You said you would love to fight be, I pmā€™d you discreatly, what is the reasoning you had to make it public?

I know why, becuase without anyone on this forum your nothing, you dont really want to fight me, you just want to sound like a man in front of everyone on here when your NOT. I would gaurentee therā€™d be at least 3 other people when you came to ACTUALLY fight me too becuase without a crowd your nothing.

Seems like an ok guy. If I had one piece of advice id have to say that you should keep your private business off of here hahaha

hey scrapperboostwhateverthefuck
use this and see what happens :lol

Ya knowā€¦ if I KNEW everyone on here was a boarderline rat, posting shit that could have incriminated me in the past I would have lol, but thanks for the advice.

Originally Posted by johnnyk
Yo man just wanted to say my bad, rough week for me and I got the emuscles lol. Just wanted to apologize and make things cool if you donā€™t mind. And I hear ur doing a photoshoot with k20 lol and he told me to come along. So look forward to meeting ya. Sorry again man. Ill plus rep ya back when I can do it again -


mE -
Hey man, yeah no problem, I apologize as well, trying to make friends not enemies. Look foward to meeting you guys.

For sure dude. Good luck with sale, getting a lotta shit in the thread hah but Iā€™m sure itā€™ll sell. Catch you sometime this week



noboost , r ya really sure ya wanna talk shit to me about not doin anything ā€¦ i dont need the forum , i dont need help , trust me sunshine as all on this forum can attest i have no problem handling things ask the last kid that pulled a tool on me thinkin he is gonna set me down . he may still be asleep like i said be careful he threatend me and i handled it . dont go to far

or just giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were actually a decent guy, after all of your bullshit that youve let everyone see your right im gonna act differentā€¦

yeah before i said that cause i hate having problems, but now since your just going around disrepecting people its cool, i have no problem going back on my word, but yeah i admit i said it and clearly you have proof, fine with buddayyyyy, not illegal to go back on words. :thumbup

Shift has Shifted to SUPA CERIAL SRS BZNS

and trust me i dont have to make excuses to cover up for myself i could care less