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what, don’t like being proven wrong?

your nothing but a bunch of lies


I realize that. Good for you. It’s just that I personally know Brian’s mother, and your childish behavior on here is staring to bother me personally.



another lie!! you had it on cl for like 2700, the one with the shitty orange Piel paint job… I actually asked you about that car and u said u had an offer for 2500 and that you were going to that

keep em comin

He’s not my boy. We’re two white kids from upstate new york with college degrees. Now calm down.



it was a dumpy black five speed coupe

I’m leaving work now so I will no longer need your entertainment, goodbye



Are you black?

Palumbo! :rofl



It’s an internet forum, man. This one is probably one of the WORST in terms of people acting the way they do towards others in person and credibility. A lot of people don’t have the balls to say what they mean to another human being in person, hence the seemingly high rate of hate and anger on here. No big deal :wink:

Just take the whole thing with a grain of salt. While almost everyone will appear to be a d-bag on here, 90% are good people in real life and mean well.


I talk a lot of shit.

Meh, to each their own. Life’s too short to sit around stressing over what others think or say about you. In fact, it’s clinically proven to make your life even shorter if you do that. lol
